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Where can I find out more information about Gaelic Medium ELC?

Tha Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig fosgailte dhan a h-uile duine, iadsan a bhruidhneas Gàidhlig agus nach bruidhinn. Chan eil Gàidhlig mar chiad chànan aig a’ mhòr-chuid chloinne a tha a’ dol a-steach gu Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig. Faodar sgoilearan aig nach eil Gàidhlig bho thùs, agus gu dearbh a thig à dachannan agus coimhearsnachdan anns nach eil Gàidhlig idir an toirt gu fileantachd sa chànan tro mhodh-ionnsachaidh ris an canar ‘bogadh’. Tha bogadh a’ ciallachadh gu bheil sgoilearan air an teagasg ann an Gàidhlig a-mhàin, fhad ’s a bhios iad a’ dèanamh nan rudan àbhaisteach a bhios clann a’ dèanamh ann an tràth-bhliadhnaichean am foghlaim – cròileagan, sgoil-àraich agus bun-sgoil. Bidh na tidsearan aca a’ cur a h-uile cothrom a tha ann gu feum airson sgilean Gàidhlig na cloinne adhartachadh – tro òrain, sgeulachdan, geamachan agus gu h-àraidh cluich.

Tha Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig na phàirt de shiostam foghlaim na h-Alba agus tha e a’ toirt cothrom dhan chloinn uile ann an Alba a bhith dà-chànanach.

Gaelic-medium education is open to everyone, those who speak Gaelic and those who do not. The majority of children entering Gaelic-medium education do not have Gaelic as their first language. Pupils who are not Gaelic speakers to start with, indeed who come from non-Gaelic speaking homes and communities, can be brought to fluency in the language through what is referred to as immersion. Immersion means that pupils are taught only in Gaelic, while they are doing the usual things that children do in the early years of their education – in playgroup, nursery and primary school. Their teachers utilise all available opportunities to develop pupils’ Gaelic skills – through songs, stories, games and especially through play.

Gaelic-medium education is part of the Scottish education system and provides an opportunity for all children in Scotland to be bilingual.