Home adaptations, aids and other options

You may find that you are struggling in your home as you get older, or you are struggling due to your disabilities or health issues.

Home adaptations are changes you can make to your home to make it safer and easier to move around and do everyday tasks. They can help you live independently. Whether you own your home or rent it, you can get help.

This help could include:

  • hand-rails or grab-rails
  • improving access to your home by an outdoor ramp or widening your door
  • replacing a bath with a shower to help with bathing
  • other changes to bathrooms, kitchens or features throughout your home
  • technology such as flood detectors, motion sensors and falls monitors
  • equipment such as aids to assist with your mobility or nursing needs, sight or hearing issues
  • advice about other services and moving home
  • speaking to an Occupational Therapist (OT). They can help you to live as independently as possible

Our aim is to provide the help you need so that you can continue to live in a home of your own as independently and safely as possible. It is about looking after your wellbeing and helping you to have the best quality of life.

Contact your local Health and Social Care Team to get help. They will work with your landlord, Occupational Therapists (OTs), Care and Repair Services and other services. Contact:

Other options

You may need to consider all your options if your home is no longer right for your circumstances, or will not meet your long term needs. Adapting your home may not be possible due to its design.

Your local Housing Team can give help and advice about your options.

The stay or go housing options booklet is for people who are beginning to think about whether their current house is still right for them. It includes hints, tips, a checklist and where to get advice.

Technology can also help you live independently. Find out more or apply for telecare or telehealth.