Children and young people with hearing impairment

Highland Deaf Education Service

The Highland Deaf Education Service works in partnership with parents and other professionals to make sure the needs of deaf and hearing impaired children are met.

We mainly help severe and profoundly deaf pupils, but can also offer support and advice to pupils with mild and moderate hearing losses including glue ear. 

We provide:

  • Specialist teaching
  • Advice and support for hearing impaired pupils and their peers
  • Advice and support for class teachers and other staff
  • Deaf awareness training for class teachers, ancillary staff and pupils
  • Home visits for pre-school children
  • Sign language tuition to families, hearing impaired pupils and peers
  • Advice regarding room layout and specialist equipment
  • Assessment of acoustic environment
  • Provision of radio aids and appropriate listening devices
  • Training in the use of specialist equipment
  • Advice with regard to specialist exam arrangements
  • Support group for parents of pre-school hearing impaired pupils
  • Links with other agencies

Most of our requests for service come straight from audiology – with a parent or carer agreement.  Requests can also be accepted from parents and schools. 

Deaf Education Overview Leaflet