Delivery Programmes

Plan Delivery

We intend to deliver our development plans in the following ways.

The Delivery Programmes set out the timescales and actions for the delivery of development and infrastructure for each of our local development plans. Their purpose is to provide information for identifying, monitoring and implementing the actions for delivering future growth in Highland. They also help to coordinate public services and other key stakeholders in improving and investing in our future communities.

The Delivery Programmes are now aligned with the latest Housing Land Audit, which provides information on the forecasted phasing of new housing, and the School Roll Forecasts, which outline the anticipated changes to pupil rolls in primary and secondary schools in Highland.

The Delivery Programme for each of the Area Local Development Plans is available below. These programmes are being updated with 2024 information. Changes to education requirements are now included.

We are also considering the use of Masterplan Consent Areas within Highland. The Masterplan Consent Areas Statement explains that consideration.

Local Development Plans

Inner Moray Firth

Delivery Programme Inner Moray Firth (PDF version)

Delivery Programme Inner Moray Firth (Excel version)

Caithness and Sutherland

Delivery Programme Caithness and Sutherland (PDF version)

Delivery Programme Caithness and Sutherland (Excel version)

West Highland and Islands

Delivery Programme West Highland and Islands (PDF version)

Delivery Programme West Highland and Islands (Excel version)

Fort William 2040

Fort William 2040 (FW2040) is an ongoing project to plan, refine and implement a shared vision for the future of Fort William and Lochaber. It forms an important part of the future delivery of WestPlan and constitutes the Fort William component of West Highland and Islands Delivery Programme.