Biodiversity describes the variety of all life on earth and all the places where it is found.
The Council encourages organisations and individuals to take action to restore and conserve our biodiversity. For more information please visit Highland Environment Forum.
Read the Scottish Natural Heritage Pollinator Strategy.
Ecology Strategy and Action Plan
The Council’s Ecology Strategy and Action Plan was adopted by the Economy and Infrastructure Committee In November 2024. The Strategy sets out a suite of actions to tackle the ecological emergency and contribute to Scotland’s target to be nature positive by 2030 and to have restored and regenerated biodiversity by 2045.
The Strategy will see us manage the Council estate more effectively for biodiversity; influence others through the implementation of policy and guidance; and work with our communities, regional and national partners and stakeholders to engage in collective action to tackle the ecological emergency together.
Read the Council’s Ecology Strategy and Action Plan
Nature reserves
There is one local nature reserve in Highland - Merkinch Local Nature Reserve.
Highland Nature Biodiversity Action Plan
The Highland Nature Biodiversity Action Plan focuses on where positive biodiversity action can be taken to conserve and enhance important habitats and species. It also focuses on the actions that can be delivered locally, whilst taking a lead from international and national priorities. Read the Highland Nature Biodiversity Action Plan 2021 - 2026.
Biodiversity Duty Report
Under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act (2004), all public bodies in Scotland are required to further the conservation of biodiversity when carrying out their responsibilities. The Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act (2011), further requires public bodies in Scotland to provide a publicly available report, every three years, on the actions which they have taken to meet this biodiversity duty.
Obtaining biological data and habitat mapping
We do not hold any ecological information, this can be obtained from the following resources:
- The Highland Biological Recording Group hold data on species apart from birds and plants
- Scottish Natural Heritage
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland
- NBN Atlas Scotland
Read about what wildlife is protected in Highland.
Related Downloads
- Biodiversity
- Pending Works Schedules
- Abandoned vehicles
- ECO Flex Documents
- Examples of completed works
- Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Scheme
- External wall Insulation case studies
- Awards
- Renewables case study
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Environmental Health Food Business Advice
- Pre-Packed Foods Labelling Advice
- Growing Our Future - A Community Food Growing Strategy for Highland
- Planning guidance
- Committee paper - item 11
- EV Infrastructure Vision
- Caol and Lochyside FPS Community Liaison
- 2021 Highland Climate Change Conference Downloads
- Strategic Tourism Infrastructure Development Plan
- Food Safety Guidance
- Scotways Newsletter Summer 2023
- Highland Nature Biodiversity Action Plan 2021 to 2026
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report and Letter of Determination
- Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) Delivery Plan
- Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) Executive Summary
- Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)
- Heating Policy for Non-Domestic Buildings