Care, Learning and Housing Committee
Tasks and responsibilities
At the meeting of the Highland Council on 8 March 2018 it was agreed that the Committee, previously known as the People Committee (PEO), be renamed the Care, Learning and Housing Committee (CLH).
The remit of this committee is to
- develop and review charges, policies, strategies and service plans for the delivery of the services within the Committee’s remit.
- approve the Revenue and Capital Budgets for the services included in the Committee’s remit and to monitor and control these budgets including dealing with over-expenditure.
- scrutinise performance relating to service delivery and implementation of strategy, policy and service plans.
- review the effectiveness of the standard and level of services provided in accordance with the Council's commitment to Best Value and continuous improvement.
- make decisions about entering into partnerships including consultation with other agencies and organisations, as appropriate, in order to achieve a collaborative and effective approach to service delivery.
- consider representations, consultations etc from Government and statutory bodies and to make representations to Ministers and those bodies regarding services included in the Committee’s remit.
- promote sustainable development and equal opportunities in the conduct of Council business and the delivery of services.
- consider the impact of decisions on communities, specifically taking into consideration the issues of equality, poverty and rurality.
- ensure that all decisions take into account the Resource, Legal, Climate Change/Carbon Clever, Risk and Gaelic implications that need to be considered
Further details of the terms of reference and the powers and duties delegated to the Committee are set out in the Council's Scheme of Delegation.