Gaelic medium education
Secondary schools appear as red pins in the map below, primary schools as a blue cross. Those including Gaelic nurseries have yellow arrows.
Catchment areas
We are in the process of creating Gaelic Medium Catchment Areas for those schools that offer Gaelic Medium education. To see which areas are currently included within our GM catchments click the >> symbol below, then tick the box to show Gaelic Medium School Catchments.
Not all the schools that offer GME have a GM catchment. If you are interested in Gaelic Medium education but your home address is not within a GM catchment, please contact your local Area Education Office.
Gaelic medium education gives children an opportunity to learn Gaelic in the most natural way possible as the language is being absorbed through their learning.
Choosing Gaelic medium education for your child
We are committed to developing Gaelic education in pre-school and primary schools and expanding Gaelic education in secondary schools.
Useful Links: Gaelic Medium Education
- Bòrd na Gàidhlig (Fòghlam) - Further Information on GME across Scotland
- Comann nam Pàrant Nàiseanta - National Organisation for GME Parents
- Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig - Gaelic Educational Resource Organisation
- Gaelic4Parents - Support for Parents and Children interested in Gaelic Education
- Education Scotland - Support Quality and Improvement in Scottish Education
For further information contact our Gaelic Team.
Related Downloads
- School menus
- School Meals
- School enrolment files and guidance
- Gaelic medium education
- School term dates
- Back to school
- Home education
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- Nairn Academy Stakeholder Group Meetings
- School Standards and Quality reports - Primary 2021-2022
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- School handbooks - Secondary schools 2023-2024
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- School handbooks - Special schools 2023-2024
- School Standards and Quality Reports 2022-23 - Secondary Schools
- School Standards and Quality Reports 2022-23 - 3-18 Campuses
- School Standards and Quality Reports 2022-23 - Special Schools
- School Handbooks - primary schools 2024-2025
- School Handbooks - secondary schools 2024-25
- School Handbooks - special schools 2024-2025
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- School Handbooks - Secondary Schools 2025-26
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- School Handbooks - 3-18 Campuses 2025-26