Benefits - Hospital travel
If you are on a low income and need National Health Service (NHS) treatment at a hospital you may be able to claim travel costs to and from hospital.
You can claim at the NHS hospital or clinic at the time of your appointment. You will be paid back immediately in cash, when you show any of the following:
- Proof of a qualifying benefit (like an award notice letter)
- A certificate showing that you qualify for the NHS Low Income Support Scheme
- A tax credit exemption certifcate (if you qualify you will receive this automatically)
Who can claim
You are automatically entitled to claim hospital travel costs if you claim one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Guarantee Pension Credit
- Universal Credit
- Have income less than £16,010 a year and receive Child Tax Credit (with or without Working Tax Credit) or Working Tax Credit with the disability or severe disability element
- If another adult or dependant child has to travel with you to your treatment
for medical reasons then you can claim their travel costs too
Further information
Phone: 0845 850 1166