School description
Marybank Primary School is situated in the village of Marybank. The school serves the community of Marybank and neighbouring communities within the Parish of Urray, in Easter Ross.The original school building, which is over one hundred and forty years old consists of a large classroom for upper primary, which has been extensively refurbished, a staffroom, Head Teacher’s office and general office, staff and pupil toilets. Facilities for people with physical disability have been fitted. Another building, built in the 1960s, which looks onto the playing area, has two classrooms and toilets. The infants, school library and resources rooms are in this building. A new block was built 1997 ajacent to this building. This houses the nursery five mornings a week, is the dining area and is used for music and movement, drama, TV and assemblies. There is a tarred playground, a grass playing field and a school garden. The field is often used for PE sessions, for School Sports Day and other sporting activities. We also have use of the Community Hall for PE and other activities.