Schools - Scourie Primary
Scouriemore -
Scourie -
Lairg -
IV27 4TG -
01971 502282 -
School email address
Head Teacher
John Naples-Campbell -
School description
Scourie Primary School serves the village of Scourie and the surrounding rural communities on the North West coast of Sutherland. Currently we have one full-time class teacher and one class teacher who teaches the equivalent of two and a half days. The whole school comes together each day but we endeavour to have the children split into two groups for at least half the week. The school has the use of the Village Hall and Football Pitch for PE. Our main aim is to make sure that every child feels secure and happy in our school and that we cater for their needs and individual abilities. We have a positive ethos which celebrates success and encourages pupils to reach their full potential in all areas of learning. -
School day for pupils
P1, 2 and 3 - Monday to Friday 09.00 to 14.35P4, 5, 6 and 7 - Monday to Friday 09.00 to 15.05 -
Associated Secondary
Kinlochbervie -
School website
Pupil roll (from September census)
22 -
Pre-school education?
Yes -
School facilities for hire
2 x Classrooms/meeting rooms -
Further information