Benefits - Music tuition
We offer instrumental tuition in many schools in strings, percussion, woodwind, brass, piping or guitar.
Unfortunately not all schools can be offered comprehensive access to all these instrumental disciplines. Vacancies are mainly filled at the beginning of the school year, or at other times where spaces develop.
The cost for music tuition is £21.40 a month or £256.80 per year.
You may be exempt from charges if you receive any of the following benefits:
- Child Tax Credit, but not in receipt of Working Tax Credit, and
your income is less than £16,010 (as assessed by the Inland Revenue)
- Income Support
- Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
- Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit and an income below £6,420 (as assess by the Inland Revenue)
- From S4 to S6 - exemption claimed as a pupil uses an instrument taught by a Highland Council Instructor for an SQA National Award
- If you are 16 to 18 years old and receive any of these benefits in your own right then you can claim for yourself
From time to time there may be other special circumstances which arise and if you feel your child should be exempt, a special exemption form should be requested from the Highland Instrumental Unit.
- Child Tax Credit, but not in receipt of Working Tax Credit, and
your income is less than £16,010 (as assessed by the Inland Revenue)
Further information
Find out more about instrumental music tuition
Phone: 01349 863441
Specific payment enquiries: 01349 868218 or 868215