Apply for a licence - Public entertainment
Guidance & Forms
Please ensure that you read the Privacy Notice here before applying for a licence
A public entertainment licence is needed for the use of premises or land to provide certain types of entertainment to members of the public, in most cases (but not all) on payment of an entry fee. For the full list of activities which require a public entertainment licence, go to section 1.2 of the Guidance Notes. This list includes recent changes introduced in January 2017, which include the extension of public entertainment licensing to all public firework displays, including those to which entry is free of charge.
To apply for a licence, you will need:
Credit or debit card
A completed copy of the public entertainment licence - appendix
A site plan at a scale of 1-500 showing all of the relevant details listed in guidance note 3.1
Floor plans of all buildings, including temporary structures, to which the public have access with a floor area in excess of 30 m2 (at a scale of 1-50, showing the relevant details listed in guidance note 3.1)
Health and safety statement and risk assessment
A copy of public liability insurance certificate (minimum £5m indemnity)
Electrical mechanical or gas certificates (if applicable)
Structural design certificate (if applicable)
- Event Management Plan Template (Para. 3.2 of Public Entertainment Guidance Notes refers)
Technical certification pack - This pack contains details of all the information and technical certification that may require to be submitted in relation to Public Entertainment Event. This will vary significantly depending on the nature and size of your event.
Fire safety
You must complete a fire safety checklist and send it to us before we can process your license application.
When we receive the fire safety form, we know your premises are safe for your customers and staff, and that you have complied with the fire safety regulations.Fireworks checklist
If you intend to have any fireworks at your event then you must complete the checklist in the link below and submit this with your public entertainment licence application form.
Inflatable structures checklist
If you intend to have any inflatable type structures at your event then you must complete the checklist in the link below and submit this with your public entertainment licence application form.
Fairground Equipment Checklist
If you intend to have any fairground rides or equipment at your event then you must complete the checklist in the link below and submit this with your public entertainment licence application form.
Vendors Checklist
If you intend to have any caterers or stall holders at your event then you must get them to complete the checklist in the link below and submit this with your public entertainment licence application form. Guidance to assist you to complete the form is also available below.
Welfare Guidance and Requirements (applies to all applicants for a public entertainment licence)
Please click here for further information and guidance in relation to welfare requirements for all applicants for a public entertainment licence. Below are the two documents referred to in the guidance.
Guidance on making an objection or representation in relation to an application submitted
If you wish to submit an objection or representation in relation to an application submitted under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 further information and guidance on how to do this is available here -
Downloadable files
- Phone: 01349 886609
- Online enquiry form