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The Great Glen Way passes through some remote areas of countryside. Please ensure that you take proper precautions when out on the route and prepare for your day’s walk appropriately. Always plan your day to be within your capability.


  • Let someone know where you are going each day and what time you expect to be back or arrive. Be a considerate guest and book ahead.
  • Check the Great Glen Way website for any closures or diversions.  If you do not have internet access,  ask your accommodation provider to check for you.
  • Make a note of where you can refill your water bottles. If you are walking through a remote area, make sure you take enough for the day. If it is going to be a hot day, take extra.
  • Bear in mind that people live and work along the route. Please allow them their privacy and try not to disturb them unless it is an emergency.
  • Please note mobile phones do not work at all points along the route and should not be relied upon. There are public telephones available in the villages the route passes through.
  • The Great Glen Way crosses, and for short stretches, runs alongside the A82 and other major Highland roads. Please take care when crossing the roads and walking on pavements.
  • Although the route is considered low-level, bear in mind that the weather can be unpredictable. Make sure you are well prepared and equipped for poor weather conditions, even during the summer months.
  • If using the High Route go prepared for remote walking and take appropriate equipment. You may not have mobile phone reception.
  • It is advisable to know how to read a map and compass and to have a basic knowledge of first aid.
  • Be aware of the risk from ticks. These tiny parasites are present throughout the Highlands, including the Great Glen, and can carry the potentially life threatening Lyme Disease. See the Check for Ticks website for more details. If you are bitten by a tick, make sure you know the symptoms of Lyme Disease, and be sure to inform your doctor of  the tick bite, and that you have been in a Lyme disease area, if it is necessary to get medical treatment.



If you do not require an emergency response, please call 101