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Optional alternate route through Invergarry

Published: Monday, 20 May 2024

Invergarry Map

Please be aware of an optional, alternate route that GGW users can use to travel through Invergarry. This route is slightly shorter and bypasses some of the road walking taken by the regular route.

Users of the Great Glen Way, please be aware of an optional, alternate route that can be followed to travel through Invergarry. 

  • This route is slightly shorter than the regular route covering only 800m of ground. The original route is almost double this at 1.5km.
  • Additionally, this alternate route bypasses most of the road walking that is involved with the regular route. There is, however, a short section alongside the A87 on the north side of the river. 
  • This route is not recommended for cyclists or horse riders. We would suggest the regular route as the best option for anyone using those forms of transport. 
  • If you are coming from the south, this alternate route follows a grassy path through a field to begin with, before sending you through a gate and over an old bridge. Please be aware that some of the beams on the bridge are quite worn so avoid crossing with more than five people at once. After the bridge there is a quick climb up some steps before a walk alonside the A87 until the regular route is met and the path heads further north. 
  • This alternate route will bypass a number of local amenties like Saddle Mountain Hostel and Invergarry Hotel. Both can be accessed by following the normal route through the village.