Mental Health and Wellbeing Tookit

A mentally healthy workplace

It's okay to talk about mental health

Eliminating stigma and discrimination helps to build trusting relationships and openness so that people feel comfortable discussing and disclosing conditions.

With nurturing communication and discussion, a smile, a nod, a "you okay" we can all recognise mental health problems that colleagues may be experiencing early on, so that appropriate help and support can be offered.

Research has found that attitudes towards people have improved significantly in Scotland since anti-stigma campaigns like "see me" were introduced.

Support for Everyone

If we are feeling good about ourselves we will work productively, interact well with colleagues and make a valuable contribution to our team and workplace.

Highland Council is active in promoting positive mental wellbeing and supportive mental health practices in the workplace. Employees are provided with opportunities to look after their own wellbeing:

Policies and Procedures

Health & Safety and Human Resources have polices and procedures in place to manage and promote positive mental health & wellbeing in the workplace:

Employment Opportunities

The Highland Council is an Equal Opportunities employer. The Council's Recruitment and Selection policy, procedures and practices aim to provide managers with a process for employing people free of bias and discrimination in line with our Equal Opportunities Policy and complying with the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments.

Trained and Informed Managers

Trained and informed Managers apply policies and procedures consistently and fairly to manage and support employees with mental health problems.

Managers recognise that by actively engaging with employees to recognise signs of mental distress, could help to reduce mental health problems and levels of sickness absence at work.