Isle of Skye airfield

Aircraft use of the airfield

We are following national guidance regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. At present we have decided to keep our airstrips open in case they are required for emergency deliveries but this is an evolving situation which may change.  We would ask all users of our airstrips to adhere to site notices and follow National Guidance for health, travel and safe practice to limit the spread of the infection.

Before flying to the airfield, please email to confirm permission to land, giving your estimated date and time of arrival. 

The Rules of Use of the Airfield and notification of the Landing Fees attached to using the Airfield can be found here.

After your landing has been completed, you must fill in a landing log sheet and return via email to within 48 hours of your landing.  We will then use the details provided to request payment of the landing fees. 

These can be paid via BACS (details found on landing fees document) quoting “AIRFIELD – Landing Fees”, online via the Pay airfield fees button below, or over the phone on 01349 886605 (details required outlined on fees document)

Pay airfield fees