Highland Council
Tasks and responsibilities
The powers reserved to the Highland Council (HC) are to:-
- define the Council’s Goals and Values and main objectives and decide on its priorities
- allocate resources between the functions and activities of the Council to reflect its priorities
- approve the annual Revenue and Capital budgets, and to set the Council Tax, HRA rent and other Housing charges
- approve the Council’s Programme including its contribution to the Local Outcome Improvement Plan
- approve the local plans for Police and Fire Services every three years and to provide annual strategic scrutiny and engagement of these plans on the basis that regular scrutiny and engagement related to their delivery will be undertaken locally
- provide strategic direction and oversight for the Council’s participation, contribution and engagement to Community Planning, including the Council’s contribution to the Local Outcome Improvement Plan
- make policies or substantially extend or modify any policies not otherwise delegated to Committee
- make Schemes to regulate the work and performance of the Committees and Sub Committees
- evaluate, co-ordinate and review the work and performance of all Committees
- elect the Convener, Leader of the Council, Depute Leader of the Council and both Vice Conveners
- fix the constitution, membership, functions and powers of the Council’s Committees, to amend them from time to time, to appoint the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees and to confirm the appointment of the Leader of the Opposition following nomination by the largest political group in opposition to the Administration
Further details of the terms of reference and the powers and duties delegated to the Committee are set out in the Council's Scheme of Delegation.