Staff News - December 2022

Donna Manson accepts Chief Executive role at Devon County Council

The Chief Executive, Donna Manson, has been offered and has accepted the post of Chief Executive for Devon County Council.

She will be leaving The Highland Council in February 2023.

Donna led the Highland Council through a period of immense change and challenge, including the Covid response and recovery and impacts of Brexit, as well as delivering UK, Scottish Government and local authority elections as Returning Officer.

She has a track record of improvement, best value and successful budget delivery, and rebuilding substantial reserves and resilience within The Highland Council, while implementing significant investment projects.

Convener Bill Lobban said: “Donna has done a tremendous job for The Highland Council in the most difficult and challenging of circumstances and I personally wish her well in taking up her new position with Devon County Council."

Leader Raymond Bremner said: “Donna has been key to Highland Council delivering many successful outcomes and achievements during her time with us and I’d like to wish her all the very best in her new post with Devon County Council.”