Staff News - December 2022

Ask Them About Suicide

SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) has launched a powerful new campaign which calls on people across Scotland to have direct, open
conversations with someone they think may be experiencing thoughts of suicide.

Estimates show that one in 20 eople have thoughts of suicide. It might not be obvious that someone is thinking of suicide, and you may feel hesitant starting that conversation, but it can be crucial in giving that person the permission they need to open up.

Ask Them About Suicide, a campaign shaped by people who have been affected by suicide, aims to empower anyone to ask the question ‘are you
thinking about suicide?’ with confidence and bravery. If you’re worried about someone, asking them about suicide could save their life.

The campaign follows research by SAMH showing that although 64 percent of people were comfortable talking about suicide generally, only 41 percent would feel comfortable asking someone they know if they are feeling suicidal.

The Ask Them About Suicide campaign is spearheaded by a short film highlighting just how easily someone’s true feelings can be hidden, and how asking the right question can change everything.

People can find out more by visiting the campaign web hub, which shares information to guide practical conversations around suicide and directs people to key resources, such as outlining three ways to support someone who is feeling suicidal: listen without judgement, help them to make a safe plan, and make sure you - and they - know where to turn to seek urgent or further help.