Staff News - December 2022

UNISON funded courses

There are online fully funded courses available from UNISON for all staff. 

There are 3 online courses available: 

  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • Understanding Menopause
  • Understanding Dementia. 

Introduction to Mindfulness (online)
Every Thursday evening at 7pm to 9pm, 12 January - 2 February 2023.

  • What is mindfulness?
  • Living a mindful life.
  • Mindful movement, eating, listening.
  • The advantages of curiosity.
  • Taking care of ourselves and overcoming stress at work through mindfulness
  • Acceptance and letting go.
  • Mindful thinking.

If you wish to book a place, or would like further information, please email Marta at   

Understanding Menopause (online) 
Wednesday 25 January 2023 at 6:30pm - 9pm. 

  • Signs and symptoms of the menopause.  
  • Ways to cope with symptoms, lifestyle choices, alternative remedies, options and HRT.  
  • Diagnosis. 
  • Menopause within the workplace. 
  • An insight into the benefits of CBT.
  • An explanation of how CBT effectively reduces the impact of hot flushes and night sweats, helps restore sleep patterns and helps to manage stress levels.

If you wish to book a place, or would like further information, please email Marta at   

Understanding Dementia (online) 
Wednesday 1 February 2023 at 9:30am - 1pm.

  • Explore what dementia is and the different types. 
  • Understand the different conditions relating to dementia. 
  • Develop understanding of the persons reality and their behaviour.
  • Explore the meaning of challenging behaviour. 
  • Explore practical strategies to help the person with dementia. 
  • Objectives.
  • Provide high quality care & support within The Health and Social Care Standards. 
  • Maintain dignity & lessen anxiety.

If you wish to book a place, or would like further information, please email Marta at