Staff News - January 2023

Asset Management and Hybrid Working Update for Town House staff

In December 2022, staff were given information about the Asset Management Plan and the Council’s decision to reduce property costs by vacating some of the Council’s buildings. The plan is based on improving our remaining office estate to better support hybrid and flexible working practices and increase collaboration between teams.  It also helps address the Council’s carbon neutral commitments.

There will be no change to the current Service Point in Inverness which will continue to operate from the Town House.

What’s happening and when

In these next few weeks, the project team have and will be meeting with Service ECO’s and Trade Union colleagues to outline our proposed change management process.  Your Service ECO will then write out to you if you are directly affected by this change.  This communication will outline the process of change and how you and your colleagues will be actively involved.  The aim is to provide you with a workplace setting that reflects your service working practice needs alongside colleagues that already have HQ as their working location base.

You should receive further information from your Service ECO by 9th February 2023 at the latest.  In the meantime, we would reiterate our previous requests for you to start de-personalising your desk, declutter your offices and think about storage.

Further information

If you have any queries about the project, please email