Staff News - January 2023

Pay Modelling 2021/22 and 2022/23

The Scottish Local Government Living Wage (SLGLW) has risen significantly over recent years. This has resulted in a compression of the spinal points within Pay Models across Scottish Local Authorities (SLA’s).  This affects HC1, HC2 and part of HC3 within the Highland Council Pay & Grading Structure. 

To address this, Cosla agreed with Trade Unions (TU) to review and implement updated pay models to fully consolidate the SLGLW from April 2021. The Highland Council have been working together with TU’s to achieve this.  A number of options were proposed for consideration, and these were discussed in full to ensure the criteria below were fully met. 

The main criteria for the new Pay Model:

  • ensure equality
  • preserve pay progression
  • maintain the integrity of the Job Evaluation Scheme
  • reduce the gender pay gap
  • use an affordable framework

Next steps:

If you are a Trade Union member and affected by this change (i.e. currently paid at £10.85 per hour), you will receive communication directly from your TU inviting you to ballot on the proposal.  The ballot will open on 6th February and close on 20th February 2023.  If you do not receive an invitation to ballot by 6th February, please contact your Trade Union representative directly.  As the Council operates a collective bargaining process consultation on this proposed change is through the recognised trade unions.  

Proposed implementation of the new Model is March 2023 and pay will be backdated to take effect from 1 April 2021 for those affected.

The schedule outlining the revised pay scales for 2021/22 & 2022/23 are noted below.

There will be further communication once the two-week ballot has concluded in February.

Elaine Barrie, Head of People

Pay Modelling Table