Staff News - February 2023

Tending the Light in the North 2023

A broad collaboration of organisations across the North are hosting a major opportunity at the Town House, Inverness on the 17th and 18th February 2023, celebrating Care Day. 

You are invited to attend, Tending the Light in the North a showcase, learning and development event bringing together Care Experienced young leaders and Corporate Parents from across the North together in Inverness.

There are three bookable events for Corporate Parents:

Tending the Light - Friday 17th February 2023, 1pm to 5pm at Inverness Town House

  • A focussed Care Day afternoon of collaboration, bringing Care Experienced leaders, corporate parenting colleagues and partners together from across the North.
  • You will leave feeling energised, better connected and better equipped in your work to #keepthepromise right alongside your care experienced community.
  • Tending the Light in the North will be an important milestone in building a community of positive change across the North.
  • It builds on the Festivals of Care, the Care Convention and co-creation across the North to #keepthepromise.

Our key messages for the year to come will be showcased at 3.30pm on the Saturday, please also join us then if you can.

To book a place at this event:

The Salt Made Marks - Friday 17th February 2023, 5.15pm to 6,15pm at Inverness Town House

The Salt Made Marks is a beautiful, experimental film exploring the meaning of home and belonging with a group of care experienced young people from Shetland.

To book a place at this event:

Showcase - Saturday 18th February 2023, 3.30pm to 4.30pm at Inverness Town House

Bringing Corporate parents and Care Experienced young people back together to showcase our learning and key messages for the year ahead.

To book a place at this event: