Staff News - April 2023

Staff Recognition Awards 2023 - Deadline extended


We are delighted to announce the launch of our 2023 Staff Recognition Awards as it gives us the opportunity to celebrate excellence and recognise the talent, commitment, and resourcefulness of teams of staff and individuals across all of our services.

This year our Award categories will reflect key elements of the Council's ambitious Programme - "Our Future Highland" - which is focused on being ambitious for the future and maximising the opportunities and the resources we have to improve the quality of life for people in the Highlands.

The award categories are:

  • A fair and caring Highland
  • Resilient and sustainable communities
  • Accessible and sustainable Highland homes
  • A sustainable Highland environment and global centre for renewable energy
  • A resilient and sustainable Council
  • Partnership Award
  • Apprentice/Trainee of the Year
  • Employee/Team of the Year

An awards category explainer appears below.

All services are encouraged to take part by putting forward projects for the category awards and nominating colleagues.  All submissions will be co-ordinated through the senior teams in each service, and must have ECO approval, so please discuss your applications with your Heads of Service before submitting it.

The online application form is available here: or scan the QR code below.

The deadline for entries is Wednesday 19 April at midday.

Award category explainer:

1. A fair and caring Highland

This category recognises teams demonstrating working together to improve quality of life and opportunities for Highland people.  This may include work towards reducing poverty, improving equality, improving attainment, or promoting wellbeing and positive futures.  It is about caring for our communities, particularly young people, vulnerable or disadvantaged groups.

2. Resilient and sustainable communities

This category recognises teams or individuals who help our communities to be prosperous, sustainable and resilient; making a positive difference to the lives of people; improving local opportunities and services; and involving and supporting local people to improve their own communities and outcomes.

3. Accessible and sustainable Highland homes

This category is about improving quality and accessibility of people's homes; working to improve or promote measures to improve energy efficiency in homes; addressing poverty and homelessness; demonstrates innovation or creativity; supporting our property rationalisation which reduces costs and frees up space for housing.

4. A sustainable Highland environment and global centre for renewable energy

This category recognises teams who show innovation and initiative in the response to the climate and ecological emergency; help to maximise the opportunities arising from the huge renewable energy potential in the Highlands and promoting economic growth; or achieving behavioural change in order to improve our environment.

5. A resilient and sustainable Council

This category recognises teams who demonstrate a positive approach to change, showing innovation and creativity to streamline services, reduce spend and create efficiency while improving delivery and performance.

6. Partnership Award

This category recognises teams or individuals who demonstrate outstanding partnership with public sector partners or communities to achieve better outcomes.

7. Apprentice/Trainee of the Year

This category recognises an apprentice or trainee, recognising their achievements during the past year.

8. Employee/Team of the Year

This category recognises an employee or Team of the Year, recognising a stand-out individual or team, their exceptional work, contribution and/or success during the past year.

9. Convener's Award

The Convener will select an outstanding entry from all the nominations.

Qrcode for the highland council staff recognition awards 2023 nomination form external access


The deadline for entries is Wednesday 19 April at midday.