Staff News - April 2023

Highland Council staff were key in delivery of upgraded Aviemore level crossing

The upgrade to Scotland’s last Automatic Open Railway Level-Crossing is now complete, providing a safer environment for the travelling public.

Dalfaber Level Crossing was created as part of the Dalfaber Development in the early 1980s, but an upgrade was required to meet modern safety standards.

The upgrade work was commissioned by Scotia Homes, The Highland Council and Strathspey Railway Company, and was required as a condition of the planning permission to build 75 new homes off Dalfaber Drive, with access to the new development passing over the crossing.

The key Highland Council staff involved in the upgrade were Anna Liza Groat, Engineer, Anne David, Solicitor, Craig Irvine, Roads Officer, Bryan Stout, Principal Engineer, Garry Smith, Service Lead, Infrastructure, John Allan, Lighting & Communications Manager, Mark Smith, Senior Engineer, and Richard Porteous, Roads Operations Manager.

Commencing in August 2020 SYSTRA, working directly for Scotia Homes, designed, project-managed and provided site support for the level crossing upgrade.

The upgrade work to the crossing has now been completed, with half barriers and new/upgraded footways for pedestrians. The Contractor was W M Donald Limited, supported by the Strathspey Railway Company for works in the rail corridor.

The upgraded level crossing also includes a new road surface, railway track, road traffic light signals, rail signals, control equipment building, power supply, signage, fencing and streetlighting.

The new Level Crossing was brought into use, after extensive testing on 3 and 4 March 2023.

Highland Council Convener, Cllr Bill Lobban said: “At long last the local community’s safety concerns over this ‘open’ level crossing have been recognised. After several death-defying crashes and innumerable near misses the introduction of safety barriers is very welcome.

“The Council and the Strathspey Railway Company have been committed to upgrading this crossing for many years and we welcome the financial contribution of Scotia Homes which allowed this to happen.

The SRC and main contractor W M Donald should be highly complemented for the efforts they made to minimise disruption during the construction phase and for the speedy completion of the works. Hopefully it is now full steam ahead for the summer season.”

Chair of Badenoch and Strathspey Area Committee, Cllr Russell Jones, added: “We are delighted to see that works have now been completed at Dalfaber Level Crossing in Aviemore.

“We have worked closely with the developers Scotia Homes and Strathspey Railway Company to create a safer environment for road, rail, and pedestrian users. These vital improvements will ensure that the crossing meets the required safety standards and mitigates the risk to both residents and visitors.”

A spokesperson for The Strathspey Railway, said: “Works on site began on 31 October last year after a two-year long design and development phase.

“They have been delivered progressively over the winter months and as such the Strathspey Railway company is now ready to start its 2023 operating season in the knowledge that the safety of rail and road users is now much improved.”

A Section 75 Planning Agreement is in place which was imposed by the Cairngorm National Park Authority, which ensured that the level crossing was upgraded before any further development took place beyond the crossing.

The Highland Council has been responsible for the operation and management of the crossing since 1978, when an agreement was reached with the operators Strathspey Railway Company.

As part of Scotia Homes’ planning approval, an agreement was put in place between the house builder and the Council to upgrade the existing level crossing before any homeowners moved in, which is anticipated for October 2023.

Dalfaber crossing with train


Photo by Frances Porter. Caption: (Left to Right) Colin Stirling, Vice Chairman, Strathspey Railway; John Lowe, LC Consultant (Designer), SYSTRA, York; Kris Brown, Contract Manager, WMDonald; Highland Council Convener and Area Committee Member for Badenoch and Strathspey, Cllr Bill Lobban; Anna Liza Groat, Engineer, Highland Council; Stephen Muirhead, Dalfaber LC Project Engineer SR; Les Crawford, Project Manager, Scotia Homes; John Allan, Lighting & Communications Manager, Highland Council; Richard Porteous, Roads Operations Manager South, Highland Council; Scott Dickie, Technical Manager, WMDonald.