Staff News - July 2023

Employee Review and Development (ERD) - What's New?

The ERD process has been under review recently. Read on for the updates and to find out how you can comment or ask questions.

  1. Simplified paperwork: Everyone, regardless of their position, will use the same ERD form. This makes the ERD process simpler and allows senior leaders to demonstrate and cascade the process to their teams.
  2. Additional Resources: New eLearning has been created to walk you through the process, providing hints and tips along the way. Find it by searching for ERD in Traineasy.
  3. Timeframe: For consistency across the council, ERD’s will happen in a specified timeframe. Senior leaders will begin their ERD’s in July and their service areas will follow. It is expected that most people will have had their ERD planning meeting by the end of September.
  4. Log your ERD: When you’ve had your ERD meeting, please let us know by completing ‘log your ERD’ in Traineasy
  5. Feedback: We welcome your thoughts and opinions. Fill out the survey on Traineasy.
  6. Questions? If you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions, please contact

I am a teacher and I do a PRD. How does this fit with the ERD’s?

Teachers will continue to do their PRD’s as usual. You will not need to complete an ERD form as well. When you’ve had your PRD, we will ask you to log your PRD on Traineasy, as above. We are working hard to make this quick and easy.

If you are a teacher working in a corporate role you will do an ERD and may also need to update your PRD to maintain registration.