Staff News - September 2023

A letter from Highland Council's new Chief Executive, Derek Brown

Dear Colleagues

I am delighted to take up the post of The Highland Council’s Chief Executive from today, 4th September. The Highlands are close to my heart and it is an honour and privilege to take on this role, and the opportunity to work with you, with elected members, and with our partners, to make a real difference to outcomes in Highland.

I started my career as a teacher, and in my previous role as Deputy Chief Executive of North Lanarkshire Local Authority, I led on all aspects of education, children's and justice services, community learning and development, employability and financial inclusion, as well as economic development and the Council’s Capital programme.

I am looking forward to getting out and about and meeting as many of you as possible, listening to what you have to say and hearing your ideas and experiences. I am aware there are some very real challenges in this region, as well as enormous potential and I am excited to work together with you to realise that potential.

I look forward to meeting some of you in two initial online sessions next week.  I will also be coming out to various areas in the coming weeks to learn as much as I can about life in communities across the Highlands and how the Council can help and support improving people’s lives.

Yours faithfully

Derek Brown

Chief Executive

Derek Brown