Staff News - September 2023

Have your say - Budget Saving Suggestions

Dear colleagues,

Like other local authorities across Scotland, The Highland Council is facing unprecedented budget challenges due to constrained funding and significant inflationary costs.

This means that the Council and its partners will need to make difficult decisions about the services we deliver over the next five years.

The budget for 23/24 was set including new budget saving proposals presented to and agreed by Council on 2 March 2023 totalling £22.195m, and use of reserves of £23.270m.  Council tax income and other adjustments finalised the budget for the year.

However, the medium to long-term financial outlook for the Council remains especially challenging with it estimated that a significant budget gap can be expected over the coming years.

What can I do to help?
This is an important time for the Council, and never more so than now.  We are looking for your ideas for budget savings, income generation or spend to save initiatives to contribute to closing the overall budget gap.

You know your role, and you will know where potential efficiencies and savings could be realised as a result of changing what you do as a service or team.  This could be through improving processes, being more efficient, reducing costs or stopping activity that is non-essential.  This could also include potential revenue generation, offering new services or monetising existing operations.

I've got a suggestion, how do I submit it?
You can submit your suggestions using the online form below.  The Executive Leadership Team will review all suggestions proposed, requesting further information where required..  Look out for budget saving suggestion updates on Staff Connections.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Derek Brown, Chief Executive