Staff News - September 2023

Annual Benefit Statements for 2023 are now available

Occupational Pension Schemes:

Employees of the Highland Council have (subject to eligibility) access to 3 occupational pension schemes.  In very general terms, the appropriate scheme is determined by profession: 

  • Teaching staff are entered into the Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme (STPS)  (administered by the Scottish Public Pension Agency).
  • Health employees will join the NHS Pension Scheme (administered by the Scottish Public Pension Agency) if they have previously held a pension with the Scottish Public Pensions Agency in the 12 months prior to commencing work for Highland Council (subject to SPPA confirmation).
  • All other employees are entered into the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) (administered by the Highland Council). 

It is important that employees check pay advice slips to ensure that the correct pension scheme deductions have been made. In addition, you will receive confirmation of pension scheme membership from the pension scheme you have been entered into. You should always check your annual benefit statement to confirm which pension scheme you have been entered into and to ensure that your pension contributions have been correctly allocated. 


Annual Benefit Statements for 2023: 

Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme

Your annual benefit statement can be accessed via the following link:

Contact details regarding your pension and benefit statement can be found here: or email


NHS Pensions Scheme Scotland

Your annual benefit statement can be accessed via the following link:

Contact details regarding your pension and benefit statement can be found here: or email

In addition, there is a support line number 01463 702520 for employees to deal with more specific queries around eligibility/membership etc.


The Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland)

The Highland Council Pension Fund annual benefit statements for 2023 are available now!

Your annual benefit statement can be accessed via the following link:

For more information about your annual benefit statement, please see our frequently asked questions.

Our annual benefit statement newsletter 2023 has been published on our website keeping you up to date on current pension matters and items of news we feel may be of interest to you.

If you have any questions about your LGPS annual benefit statement which are not covered by our FAQ, or you have any issues with registering or viewing your online statement, please contact the Pensions Team on 01463 702441.