Short term lets licensing

Guidance - Short Term Let Control Areas

Inside STL (Short Term Let) control areas a mandatory licensing condition regarding planning permission applies.

Current control areas

Ward 20 Badenoch and Strathspey, was designated as a STL control area at 12pm on 4 March 2024.

The entire Ward 20 area is covered and a map of ward 20 is available to download.

Evidence required

For secondary letting properties in a STL control area, one of the following must be available for the purposes of the STL licence:

  • evidence that planning permission has been granted for the operation of the property as a STL
  • evidence that an application for planning permission for the use of the property as a short term let has been made and has not yet been determined
  • evidence that the property does not require planning permission for use as a STL

If your property does not require planning permission for use as a STL, you will need to provide one of the following as evidence:

  • a Certificate of Lawful Use, which confirms that the property does not require planning permission
  • a Certificate of Lawful Development, which is where the property has operated as a STL for over 10 years and cannot be subject to any enforcement action for a lack of planning permission for this use

If you have:

  • not applied for your licence - this evidence should be provided along with your licence application
  • applied for your licence and the licence has not been issued - we will contact you to request this evidence while processing your application, this evidence must be provided to us before an STL licence can be issued
  • licences that have already been issued - you must have this evidence available to confirm compliance with this mandatory licence condition

This evidence is required for licensing purposes regardless of whether the application for a STL licence was made before or after the designation of a STL Control Area.

Planning advice

Applicants can enquire as to whether they require planning permission for their property by making a development enquiry.

Responses offered by this service do not have any formal legal standing and will not be accepted as evidence that planning permission is not required for a STL property.

Questions regarding the planning aspects of the STL Control Area or regarding specific applications for planning permission can be directed to our planning department at

If you have further questions guidance notes on planning for STL control areas are available to download.