COVID-19 Small Business Grant

Once you have applied

Processing your application

You will receive an automated message once you have submitted your application online.

Your application will be reviewed to ensure that you have supplied all the necessary information to enable us to check that you qualify for a grant and to make payment to you.

Our team will contact you by telephone/email if we require any additional information. To help prevent fraud, we will never ask you to provide bank details over the phone. Any correspondence in relation to such an application will be from an official Highland Council email address.

Once your application has been logged as complete with the required evidence presented, you will receive a further email indicating it is now being processed. When authorised for payment, you will receive an automated email advising that the BACS payment is due (normally this will reach your account after 2 working days).

We will seek to make payment within 10 working days from receipt of a fully completed application and once all information and evidence in support of an application has been verified.

If you do not agree with a decision taken to not award a Business Grant

You must tell us why you think the Non Domestic Rates team has taken the wrong decision and why you believe your business is eligible for the grant. This initial appeal must be made to the Revenues Manager.

If you are not happy with the outcome of your initial appeal, please email the Acting Head of Revenues & Customer Services stating why you disagree with the Revenues Manager’s decision.

The decision of the Acting Head of Revenues & Customer Services is final. There is no right of appeal to the Scottish Government.

What other business support schemes are available?

The Council has details on other types of support that is available to businesses and individuals from both the UK Government and the Scottish Government. This can be seen at our Support for business page.

Further information on support available can also be found at (external link).

For those who do not qualify for this funding, further support may also be available from Business Gateway (external link).

If you have further queries, please email our support team.