Challenge Poverty Week 2022
Challenge Poverty Week 2022 (3-9 October)
Challenge Poverty Week is a Scotland-wide campaign led by the Poverty Alliance which is designed to raise awareness that poverty exists in Scotland and restricts people’s ability to take part in society.
We are reminded that 1 in 5 people in Scotland today are living with the constant pressure of trying to get by on an insufficient income and a rising cost of living are holding people back. Each year hundreds of organisations in Scotland take part in the week.
The cost of living has been increasing across the UK since early 2021 with the UK’s annual inflation rate at the highest it has been since 1982, affecting the affordability of goods and services for households - most significantly through rises in home energy costs, food, and fuel.
It is more important than ever that quality advice and information about financial help and support is available to residents in Highland.
During Challenge Poverty Week we aim to help raise awareness of some of the support and information that is available.
You can find resources on The Highland Council’s Cost of Living webpages