Customer experience

Our customers

The area covered by Highland Council is a third of the land area of Scotland. This includes some of the most rural and sparsely populated parts of the United Kingdom.

The population of the Highland council area is 7th highest out of 32 Scottish Councils with a population of nearly 240,000 and over 122,000 Council tax properties. Each year in the Highland Council region there are over 2.2 million visits to libraries, over 340,000 visits to museums and we have over 20 languages spoken.

How customers contact us

Our customer data shows us that customers contact us using a variety of methods. The largest volume of interaction is through our website, with a combined total of around 10 million visits each year. Our service centre also receives over 240,000 calls and our service points receive over 35,000 visits each year.

We know from speaking to customers that online does not suit everyone and that a range of options for contacting us are needed.

Who are our customers

Our customers are anyone who lives, works, or visits the Highland area and connects with the council.

Our customers fall into five main categories:

  • residents
  • businesses
  • tourists
  • partners
  • Highland Council staff, Councillors, and contractors.