Community Councils

Scheme Review 2024/25

Why are we reviewing the Scheme?

Community Councils are created and governed through a Scheme of Establishment developed by each Local Authority. This document covers rules and regulations for everything from the purpose of Community Councils, through elections, membership, conduct at meetings and much more. Each Local Authority area has discretion over the content of the Scheme. However, it must be periodically reviewed.  The current Scheme commits the Highland Council to a review within each Local Government electoral cycle. This process is now underway for the Election Term up to November 2027.

Details of the proposed amendments and process are outlined below, including how you can get involved. 

How to provide your views on proposed amendments to the Scheme:

Feedback can be provided by responding to our survey up until 9th of April 2025:

You can also request a print copy of the survey by contacting us:

  • By email:
  • By post: Chief Executive’s Office, Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX

Why are we asking your views?

As the most local tier of elected representation, Community Councils play an important role in local democracy. They bridge the gap between local authorities and communities and help to make public bodies aware of the opinions and needs of the communities they represent.

In reviewing the Scheme, we want to consider how it can best support the work, operation and sustainability of Community Councils.

It is important that you as Community Councils and the Public are involved, and we welcome your views.

Process to review the Scheme

Following an initial engagement with Community Councils to outline proposals to amend the Scheme, the formal decision to review and the outline proposals was passed by Members voting at a special meeting of the Highland Council convened specifically for that purpose, on the 12th December, 2024.

To review the scheme under section 53 of the 1973 Act, the Council is required to undertake a two-stage process:

  • Stage 1 - the Council will consider any representations made as part of the public consultation and may amend the Scheme in accordance with —
    1. the notified proposals; or
    2. those proposals as amended to take account of any such representations.

A report outlining the feedback and any proposed amendments and or representations will come forward to the Highland Council meeting on the 8th May 2025. Should the proposals be amended following representations received during stage 1, then further public notice shall be given following the meeting of 8th May and an opportunity provided for the public to comment on the amended proposals, prior to stage 2.

  • Stage 2 - the final decision to amend the Scheme needs to be passed by not less than two-thirds of Members voting at a special meeting of the Highland Council convened for that purpose. This will be held on the 18th September 2025.

Notified Proposals 

The notified proposals are detailed in the 3 documents linked below:

  • Proposed Boundary Changes - there were a small number of representations received regarding boundaries. In the main these are small amendments to align geographies or settlements, although there has been a proposal received to merge some Community Councils.
  • Proposed General Scheme Amendments - initial engagement focused on 5 aspects of the Scheme on which we have received comments or representations on from Community Councils in recent years: Membership; Elections; Code of Conduct/Complaints Procedure; Finance; Role of Community Councils. 
  • Scheme of Establishment Proposed Amendments – this document sets out the current scheme as is, with the proposed amendments highlighted in text boxes.