Council house repairs
Condensation, damp and mould – advice and guidance for tenants
Condensation can be a real problem for tenants but is simple to prevent. Condensation is moisture on the surface of things like windows and walls that, if left, can turn into black mould.
When humid air settles on cold surfaces it turns into condensation. If these water droplets cannot dry off through good air flow or are not wiped away this may become a problem and mould may grow.
Often, condensation can be seen on windows and sills. When more severe, condensation and mould will affect walls, or it even may soak into wallpaper, paintwork, and furniture. It can often be found in corners of rooms where there is little airflow.
How to prevent condensation and mould
The following guidance to tenants can help:
Heat your home
- Maintain a warm environment - constant low heating is better than extreme hot and cold.
Keep your home ventilated
- The single most important step is to ensure good ventilation, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. Open windows slightly, use an extractor fan when using these rooms and do not cover air vents. These steps will help to direct moisture outside the house and prevent condensation in your home.
Close kitchen and bathroom doors when these rooms are in use to prevent steam escaping into colder rooms. - Regularly clean all vents and extractor fans to prevent a build-up of dust in these areas.
Reduce moisture levels
- Dry clothes outside if possible, if you use a condenser tumble dryer ensure to regularly empty the water reservoir and clean all filters. If you use a vented tumble dryer ensure that the vent goes outside and regularly clean to prevent a build-up of lint.
- Cover pans when cooking
- Open windows when running a bath/showering
- Clear windowsills of clutter, so it's easier to open windows
- Leave a gap between furniture and walls
Vacuum regularly
- Vacuuming helps to remove mould spores and dust. Mould feeds on dust
- Do not brush sills etc, as this spreads spores
Remove excess moisture
- Wipe windows and sills with a clean dry cloth each morning to remove any water that has settled overnight
What to do if you already have condensation and mould
- Use a dry cloth to wipe away moisture from windows, sills, mirrors or walls each morning.
Remove mould (wearing gloves)
- Wash the mould growths using a cloth with soap and water.
- Leave surfaces to dry with plenty of ventilation
- Do not reuse cloths infected with mould/spores to prevent spreading
If the problem persists and you are worried and have any concerns about dampness or mould in the structure of your home, then please contact the Service Centre on 01349 886602 to request a maintenance officer inspection.
Your maintenance officer may wish to commission an independent survey from a specialist structural contractor if the problem persists.
Further advice/guidance can be accessed via the following links:-
Once a condensation and/or dampness/mould report has been reported to the Service Centre of Service Point, the issue will be fully investigated by our maintenance team.