Your council tenancy
Giving your tenancy to someone else
Please note that any requests for household changes to your tenancy must be notified in writing to either your Housing Management Officer or via direct correspondence to the Property and Housing Service. In order to consider your Assignation request, we cannot rely on any household changes to your tenancy notified to other parts of the Council e.g. Council Tax or Housing Benefits as confirmation that there has been a change in your household circumstances.
If you want to "assign" your tenancy (give it to another person) both you and the other person should have been living in that home as your/their only or main residence for 12 months.
Assignation of a tenancy may be refused where:
- The person you wish to assign the tenancy to would not have been given reasonable preference (priority) under the landlord's allocation policy
- Assignation would result in under occupancy of the property.
if you wish to go ahead, please complete the attached form