Tenant participation
You can contact the Tenant Participation team on tenant.participation@highland.gov.uk or call the Principal Tenant and Customer Engagement Officer (Suzy Boardman) on 07557 744413
Individual members of the team can be contacted as below
Caithness and Sutherland
Leona Geddes Email: leona.geddes@highland.gov.uk Mobile: 07785 932517Nairn, Mid and West Ross
Justyna Leslie Mobile: 07767 162258 Email: Justyna.Leslie@highland.gov.ukInverness, Badenoch and Strathspey
Kerri Macdonald Mobile: 07774 337689 Email: kerri.macdonald@highland.gov.ukSkye and Lochalsh
Catriona Sutherland Mobile: 07867 269265 Email: catriona.sutherland1@highland.gov.ukLochaber
Karin McKay Mobile: 07785 477696 Email: karin.mckay@highland.gov.ukEaster Ross
Suzy Boardman
Mobile: 07557 744413 Email: suzy.boardman@highland.gov.uk