Agendas, reports and minutes

Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Planning Applications and Review Committee

Date: Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Agenda: Highland Council CSER PAC Agenda - 18 October 2011


A meeting of the Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Planning Applications Committee will meet at Land South of Tigh na Greine, Quebec Bridge, Tain (location plan attached) at 10.00 am for a site inspection followed by the meeting in the Duthac Centre, Shandwick Street, Tain on Tuesday 25 October 2011 at 10.30 am.

You are invited to attend and a note of the business to be considered is attached. 

Members are reminded that during determination of any item before this Committee they must be present throughout the whole of that item in order to be entitled to participate. 

Yours faithfully,

Susan Blease, Solicitor
(for Assistant Chief Executive)

Declarations of Interest – Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place. 

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest

2. Confirmation of Minutes

There are submitted for confirmation as correct records the Minutes of Meetings of the Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Planning Applications Committee held on:

a)   13 September 2011

3. Continued Items

3.1   Applicant:  Mr Dave MacDonald (10/03519/PIP) (PLC-047-11 (1138kb pdf))
Location:  Land South of Tigh na Greine, Quebec Bridge, Tain
Nature of Development: Proposed Development of the Site for a Single House
Recommendation:  Refuse

3.2   Applicant:  Mr Kenneth Mackenzie (11/00170/FUL) (PLC-048-11 (1069kb pdf))
Location:  Land 450 m SE of Cullisse Farmhouse, Nigg
Nature of Development: Erection of Wind Turbine (Updated Visualisations)
Recommendation:  Grant.

3.3  Applicant:  Mr Allan and Mrs Kathy Wares (11/01098/FUL) (PLC-049-11 (560kb pdf))
Location:  Land West of Bighouse Farm, Melvich
Nature of Development: Erection of House (As Amended)
Recommendation:  Grant.

4. Planning Applications to be Determined

There are circulated Reports Nos PLC/050/11 - PLC/056/11 by the Area Planning Manager as follows:-

4.1   Applicant:  The Links House Limited (10/04442/FUL and 10/04443/LBC) (PLC-050-11 (1618kb pdf))
Location:  Links House, Kennedy Avenue, Dornoch 
Nature of Development: Change of Use from House to Guest House.  Alterations, Repairs and Extension.  Window Openings formed in South Elevations, Roof Lantern Formed, Garage and 2 Small Lean-to Buildings Demolished.  Widen Drive Entrance Gate and Add New Gate to Golf Road.
Recommendation:  Grant.

4.2   Applicant:  Mr Gordon Innes (11/01479/PIP) (PLC-051-11 (1012kb pdf))
Location:  Land 60 m East of Culcairn Cottages, Newmore, Invergordon
Nature of Development: Erection of House
Recommendation:  Refuse.

4.3   Applicant:  Seaboard Memorial Hall (11/02367/FUL) (PLC-052-11 (348kb pdf))
Location:  Hilton of Cadboll Primary School, Hilton of Cadboll, Tain
Nature of Development: Erection of Polytunnels.
Recommendation:  Grant.

4.4   Applicant:  Community Council of the Royal Burgh of Tain (11/02401/FUL) (PLC-053-11 (601kb pdf))
Location:  Land SE of Arthurville Gardens, Tain, IV19 1PL 
Nature of Development: Development of Allotments on 1.3 Hectare Site Including the Erection of Security Fence 
Recommendation:  Grant.

4.5   Applicant: Mr W Munro (11/02567/FUL) (PLC-054-11 (1775kb pdf))
Location:  Land 250 m South of Kindeace House, Invergordon
Nature of Development: Erection of a House and Garage and Formation of New Access
Recommendation:  Grant subject to the prior conclusion of a Section 75 legal agreement.

4.6   Applicant:  The Highland Council (11/02575/FUL) (PLC-055-11 (1125kb pdf))
Location:  Craighill School, Craighill Terrace, Tain, IV19 1EU 
Nature of Development: Formation of Access Road and Parking Bays.
Recommendation:  Grant.

4.7   Applicant:  BAM Nuttall Limited (11/03168/FUL) (PLC-056-11 (1033kb pdf))
Location:  Council Roads Depot, Scourie 
Nature of Development: Provide Temporary Accommodation Facilities.
Recommendation:  Grant.

5. Decisions of Appeals to the Scottish Government Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeal

The Committee is asked to note the outcome of the following Appeal, for which the decision letter is circulated:-

5.1   Applicant:  Mr Paul Allison (11/03006/FUL) (PPA-270-2053 (77kb pdf))
Location:  Land West of Evelix Cottage, Scotsburn, Lamington, near Tain 
Nature of Development: Erection of Three Dwelling Houses with Associated Access and Services

The appeal has been dismissed the application refused.

Members are asked to note the position.

6. Delegated Decisions and Performance

Members are asked to note the undernoted delegated decisions from 5 September 14 October 2011. The figures for the preceding six week period are in brackets.

Number of applications determined in two months: 44 (48)
Number of applications refused: (0)
Percentage of all applications determined in two months: 70.5% (77.14%)
Percentage of applications determined in two months since 1 January 2011:  72.1 %(72.3%)

Sutherland & Easter Ross :
Number of applications determined in two months: 72 (58)
Number of applications refused:  1 (0)
Percentage of all applications determined in two months:  79.2% (70.72%)
Percentage of applications determined in two months since 1 January 2011:  76.2% (76.4%)

Members are asked to note the position in the relation to the determination of delegated items in the two area offices since the last area committee.

A complete list can be viewed on the Council’s website which is available here.

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