Agendas, reports and minutes

District Partnership - Skye, Lochalsh and Wester Ross

Date: Monday, 9 February 2015

Agenda: 1.30 pm in The MacPhail Centre, Ullapool

The Skye, Lochalsh, Wester Ross & Assynt District Partnership will consider issues relevant to the defined geographic and service delivery area covering both Integrated Children’s Services and Adult Services and will be a key element of local engagement.

Chair – Myra Duncan

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Apologies
  3. Action note of meeting of 10th November and matters arising
  4. SLWR&A DP Key Issues & Themes Report 2014
  5. Children & Families Update
  6. Education Update
  7. Adult Care Update
  8. Public Views/Suggestions
  9. Date of next meeting: 12 May 2014, Tigh na Sgire, Portree
For further information please contact on 01478 613849

The general public are welcome to observe the meeting.