Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Council

Date: Thursday, 12 March 2015

Agenda: Read the Supplementary Agenda

In relation to the agenda and papers circulated for the above Meeting of the Highland Council, please find attached the following which it was indicated would follow:-


Minutes of Meetings of Committees
Gearr-chunntasan Choinneamhan Chomataidhean

City of Inverness Area Committee, 5 March


Integration Scheme – Public Bodies (Joint Working)(Scotland) Act 2014
Sgeama Amalachais – Achd Bhuidhnean Poblach (Co-obrachadh) (Alba)

There is circulated Amended Report No. HC/1/15 by the Chief Executive which introduces the Integration Scheme that is required to meet the new statutory duties in accordance with the Public Bodies (Joint Working)(Scotland) Act 2014.

Please note that the Appendix (circulated with the earlier report) remains the same.

The Council is asked to agree:-

(i) the draft Integration Scheme, subsequent to any necessary final changes which are delegated to the Chief Executives of the Highland Council and NHS Highland; 
(ii) to a review of governance arrangements, involving Members from across the Council; and 
(iii) to work with NHS Highland to determine a timescale and process.


Affordable Warmth Campaign for the Highlands & Islands
Iomairt Blàths Neo-chosgail airson na Gàidhealtachd & nan Eilean

There is circulated Report No. HC/2/15 dated 24 February 2015 by the Director of Community Services which details the current call for support from the Highland& Islands Affordable Warmth Campaign and asks Members to support the campaign and the issues being highlighted.

The Council is asked to confirm support for the Affordable Warmth Campaign and the issues detailed in Section 2 of the report.

The Council is also asked to note that the support for this campaign does not set a precedent for future lobbying activity.


Capital Programme Review: 10 Year Capital Plan 2014/15 to 2023/24
Ath-sgrudadh a’ Phrograim Chalpa: Plana Calpa 10 bliadhna 2014/15 gu 2023/24

Amended Recommendations

Members are asked to consider the report and:

(a) Agree the funding envelope outlined at Annex 3 for a 10 year Capital Plan from 2014/15 to 2022/23 and that the revenue budget will contain an annual uplift of £2.5m for the loan charge budget for the 10 year period;

(b) Agree to incorporate within the Capital Plan the costs agreed at item 16 in respect of the Westlink project;

(c) Agree to incorporate within the Capital Plan the costs agreed at item 17 in respect of Torvean Golf Course and the Canal Parks;

(d) Agree to restore the reductions outlined at Annex 7 within the Capital Plan and remove the contingency amount of £40m should the Council decide to progress a Regional Sports Facility and a Cultural Hub;

(e) Note the discussions surrounding a potential“City Deal” and the need to re-assess planning assumptions should an award be made to Inverness;

(f) Note the funding required for a Regional Sports Facility and a Cultural Hub, subject to the decision at item 17, but defer any formal decision on the allocation of funding until the result of the“City Deal” is known;

(g) Note the outline detailed capital plan attached at Annex 2, but subject to the changes required to reflect recommendations (d) and (f) above. This outline detailed plan demonstrates that the priorities of the Council can be funded. The plan will be the subject of further review by Members and will be presented for approval to a future meeting of the Council. Any additions to the outline plan will require outline business cases if not previously considered and must be affordable within the overall funding envelope; and

(h) Note the list of unfunded desirable projects are set out at annex 5, these are not being progressed within the plan at this time.