Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Friday, 7 November 2014

Agenda: Read the Agenda



3 November 2014


Representing the Highland Council:

Mr S Barron
Ms M Morris
Mr B Alexander
Mr S Black
Mr W Gilfillan
Mr D Yule

Representing Highlands and Islands Enterprise:

Mr M Johnson

Representing the Highland Third Sector Interface:

Ms M Wylie

Representing NHS Highland:

Ms E Mead
Mrs J Baird

Representing Police Scotland:

Mr J Innes

Representing Scottish Fire and Rescue Service:

Mr S Hay

Representing the Scottish Government:

Mr J Pryce

Representing Scottish Natural Heritage:

Mr G Hogg

Representing University of the Highlands and Islands:

Ms F Larg

Supporting the Chief Officers Group:

Ms C McDiarmid


A meeting of the Chief Officers Group will take place on Friday, 7 November 2014, in Committee Room 2, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, at 2.00 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Collaboration to Reduce Long-Term Unemployment

Mr John Dennison of the Department of Work and Pensions will present regional information on long-term unemployed people and the DWP response to them.

The Group is invited to discuss how partners can contribute to improving outcomes for long-term unemployed people.

3. Chief Officers Group – 22 September 2014

i. Note of Meeting

There is circulated (pp.1-7) for approval Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers Group held on 22 September 2014.

ii. Matters Arising

The Group is asked to consider the following actions arising:

a. an update on possible projects suitable for partnership working with What Works Scotland (HC);

b. an update on progress on self-assessment, with particular reference to using Improvement Service support offered to HIE, SNH and NHSH (HC); and

c. feedback from the October 2014 meeting of the Convention of the Highlands and Islands (those in attendance)

~ There is circulated for noting copy of a document issued by the COHI Secretariat setting out a note of the outcomes of the Convention meeting held on 27 October 2014. Please note this document is draft only at this stage.

4. Community Planning Board – 13 October 1014

There are circulated for comment Draft Minutes of Meeting of the Community Planning Board (CPB) held on 13 October 2014, together with, for reference, further copy of the Action Note previously circulated by email.

5. Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill

There is circulated Report No. COG/11/14 dated 3 November 2014 by the Head of Policy and Reform on the implications for the Community Planning Partnership of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill currently before the Scottish Parliament.

The Group is asked to:

i. consider the partnership issues raised in this report, and others partners are aware of from their organisation’s work to date on the impact of the Community Empowerment Bill; and

ii. agree how to proceed in partnership to respond to the Bill’s provisions and opportunities.

6. Financial Outlook, Budget Processes and Ensuring Effective Partnership Engagement

Partners are invited to discuss their financial outlook for 2015/16 onwards, their budget setting processes and how we can ensure effective partnership engagement in that process.

The Group is reminded that, at its meeting on 13 October 2014, the Board approved the revised SOA Development Plan, including, as an improvement activity, a commitment that Budget proposals be shared and cumulative impacts identified, and that partners’ views be influential.

Partners are also reminded that, at its meeting on 5 June 2014, the Board approved revised strategic priorities, including the following:

“Maximise the use of collective resources to achieve best outcomes, demonstrating a shift to prevention and the re-allocation of resources between Community Planning Partnership (CPP) members where this represents best value”

At its meeting on 18 June 2014, the Chief Officers Group agreed that a small group of lead officers scope out the range of opportunities for taking this Priority forward: the Director of Care and Learning would lead for the Highland Council, supported by the Head of Policy and Reform and the Director of Finance; NHS Highland would confirm its lead officer and consider the role of its Director of Finance; the Third Sector would be represented by the HTSI Chief Officer; and representatives from UHI and SNH would attend initial meetings at least.

At its 22 September meeting, the Group noted that a meeting had not yet taken place, but that it would convene shortly and feedback would be provided to the next COG meeting.

The Group is invited to discuss how best to take forward these commitments.

In this context, there is re-circulated Report dated 27 May 2014 by the Head of Policy and Performance on the annual review of the Partnership Prevention Plan, previously considered by the Board at its 5 June meeting. At that meeting the Board agreed that the Chief Officers Group be tasked to present the partnership approach to prevention going forward, and how this might be expanded and monitored for impact, with a report back to a future Board meeting, taking into account the new additional investment for prevention and the mainstreaming of preventative approaches through collaborative working.

7. Community Planning Partnership Membership

There is circulated Report No. COG/12/14 dated 3 November 2014 by the Head of Policy and Reform on the progress made in considering requests for wider CPP membership from five organisations, using the framework agreed at the last meeting.

The Group is asked to note that contact has been made with three of the five organisations interested in wider CPP membership, using the framework agreed by COG, and that contact with the other two organisations, Skills Development Scotland and the Cairngorms National Park Authority, will be made this month for recommendations to be made to this Group for reporting to the Board.

The Group is asked to agree:

i. that the interest of the Department of Works and Pensions is satisfied through its attendance to discuss mutual aims for long term unemployed people at this meeting and through their on-going membership of two theme groups;

ii. that it be recommended to the Community Planning Board that High Life Highland be invited to participate at the Chief Officers Group and Board and that the Highland Culture Strategic Board is formally adopted within the CPP;

iii. that the CPP accept the offer from the Chief Executive of Bòrd na Gàidhlig to convene a short-life group of officers with responsibility for Gaelic across the Partnership to identify how to make the most of Gaelic as an asset for the CPP, how to improve effectiveness and efficiency of Gaelic language planning and how best to locate it within the CPP structure – partners will need to identify their officer to take part; a decision on recommendations to the Board would therefore be deferred until this work was done; and

iv. whether it would support some Community Planning Board time being used for a short session on Gaelic awareness raising.

8. Communicating the Work and Effectiveness of the Partnership

At its meeting on 13 October 2014, the Board agreed that this Group discuss further the issue of clearer communications and marketing, including to partners’ own staff as well as the wider public, to promote better understanding of the role and achievements of the Partnership, with particular reference to improving the Partnership’s online presence.

The Group is asked to discuss the issues raised, with particular reference to:

· ensuring the SOA is refreshed and any outstanding delivery plans for 2014/15 completed

· producing a basic information pack on the Partnership

· considering how best to have clearer communications and marketing for staff and the public to promote Partnership achievements (especially community safety and early years).

9. Community Planning Board – Future Agenda Items

Agenda items proposed for the 5 December 2014 meeting of the Community Planning Board are listed below:

· Skills Development Scotland presentation

· Quarterly performance up-dates from all responsible officers, to include the Community Learning and Development strategic group and the expanded remit of the Health Inequalities group to cover rural poverty/fragility

· Possible item on gearing up for the Community Empowerment legislation

· Membership of the Partnership

· Possible item on approach to collaboration on budget process

10. Chief Officers Group – Future Agenda Items

Agenda items proposed for future meetings of the Chief Officer Group are listed below:

· Community planning and District Partnership structures

· Partnership approaches to improvement methodologies

· Participatory budgeting

· Update on workforce planning and skills development

· Scope for the Partnership to take action to tackle digital exclusion in Highland

· Examination of the Public Health Annual Report’s recommendations to ensure that they are all being adequately addressed by the Partnership

11. Events

Matters for discussion arising from recent or planned events are listed below:

a. What Works Scotland invitation: Collaborative Action, Research, Learning and Sharing Event: Thursday, 11 December 2014, 1000-1600. Venue: Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation. Details of the programme have still to be confirmed. The Partnership has been offered 2 places and expressions of interest are invited.

12. Chief Officers Group – Future Meeting Dates

Group members are asked to agree the following meeting dates and times for 2015:

Thursday, 29 January, 2 p.m.

Thursday, 26 March, 2 p.m.

Monday, 29 June, 2.30 p.m.

Thursday, 13 August, 2 p.m.

Wednesday, 11 November, 2.30 p.m.