Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Monday, 22 September 2014

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Chief Officers Group will take place on Monday, 22 September 2014, in Committee Room 1, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, at 2.00 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Chief Officers Group – 18 June 2014

i. Note of Meeting

There is circulated for approval Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers Group held on 18 June 2014.

ii. Matters Arising

The Group is asked to consider the following actions arising:

a. actions taken to support the CPP approach to the ‘Breastfeeding friendly’ policy (all partners);
b. an update on the proposed Communities Panel (HC); and
c. an update on the Partnership Communications Group and process (UHI).

3. What Works Scotland Programme

The establishment of What Works Scotland (WWS) was drawn to the attention of the Community Planning Board at its meeting on 5 June 2014. 

Mr Peter Craig, Senior Research Fellow, MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, will give a presentation to the meeting.

There is circulated copy of a draft Expression of Interest in being a CPP Case Study Area submitted to WWS on behalf of the Partnership in July 2014.  The Group is advised that, whilst the Highland CPP has not been chosen as one of the four case studies, the WWS Programme is keen to discuss engagement with this Partnership.  In this context, there is also circulated a “next steps” note from WWS.

The Group is asked to consider the issues arising.

4. Updates from SOA Theme Groups

Group leads are asked to confirm that they will have their SOA delivery plans for 2014/15 refreshed for the Community Planning Board meeting on 13 October 2014, along with their performance report for 2013/14.

a. Economic growth and recovery (HIE)
b. Employability (HC)
c. Early years/Children (HC)
d. Safer and stronger communities (Police Scotland)

There is circulated copy of Police Scotland Quarter 1 2014/15 management information for the Highland area.

e. Health inequalities and physical activity (NHSH)
f. Outcomes for older people (NHSH)
g. Environmental outcomes (SNH)
h. SOA Development Plan (HC)

5. Updates from CPP Strategic Priority Groups

a. Prevention and joint resourcing (HC lead)
b. Workforce planning and skills development (HIE lead)
c. Community empowerment, dialogue and participation (HC lead)

Community Learning and Development Strategic Partnership: The Director of Care and Learning, the Highland Council, will provide feedback on the work of the Community Learning and Development Strategic Partnership.

d. Tackling deprivation and inequalities (NHSH lead).

6. Supported self-assessment – Questionnaire Results

There is circulated Report No. COG/7/14 dated 12 September 2014 by the Corporate Performance Manager, the Highland Council, advising that the Community Planning Board, supported by the Improvement Service, has completed the first stage of a self-assessment process in the form of an on-line questionnaire based on the Improvement Service Partnership Checklist.  The report presents the outcome of the questionnaire responses for consideration and seeks direction on next steps.

The Group is asked to:

i. consider the results of the Partnership Checklist Questionnaire;
ii. consider how best to use the results noting the normal stages in the process (paragraph 3.1 of the report) and the need to involve the Board; and
iii. confirm with the responsible officers for economic growth, health inequalities and physical activity and the environment if they are to use the IS partnership self-assessment and support available or if other methods are to be used

7. Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Membership

There is circulated Report No. COG/8/14 dated 14 September 2014 by the Head of Policy and Reform asking the Group to agree a framework to guide the Partnership’s response to bodies and groups seeking to participate, or participate further, in formal CPP structures.

The Group is asked to note:

i. the requests from five bodies to participate, or participate further, in the formal structure of the CPP; and
ii. the principles already agreed for reviewing governance in the CPP and the relevant provisions in the Community Empowerment Bill.

The Group is asked to agree:

i. any changes to the framework for engaging partners in the CPP at Appendix 2 to the report;
ii. that the bodies seeking involvement are contacted to provide information regarding the benefits of their involvement to the CPP and to them as set out in the framework, so that recommendations can be made to the Board in October; and
iii. how best to consider the role of arts and culture and Gaelic in the CPP as a way of achieving or supporting positive outcomes.

8. EU Regional Programmes

i. Funding Opportunities for Highland

There is circulated Report No. COG/9/14 dated 11 September 2014 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure, the Highland Council, providing a summary update of the development of the 2014-20 European regional funding programmes as they impact on the Highland Council area.

The Group is asked to note the content of the report and the actions underway as set out at Section 7 of the report.

ii. Highland LEADER Programme 2014-2020

There is circulated Report No. COG/10/14 dated 15 September 2014 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure, the Highland Council, seeking to update the Chief Officers Group on the new Highland LEADER Programme.

The Group is asked to:

i. note the proposals for the new Highland LEADER Programme and offer comment; and
ii. agree that a summary report on the Highland LEADER Local Development Strategy and Business Plan be presented to the Community Planning Board on 13 October 2014.

9. Capturing Progress in Community Planning

The Group Is advised that a request has been received from the National Community Planning Group (NCPG) for an update, to be received by 13 October 2014, describing, in terms of each CPP’s development priorities:

• what action the CPP and its partners have taken and what they have achieved
• any further development work the CPP and its partners are now undertaking or planning.

The Partnership is also asked to let the NCPG know if there is further support required to assist in its development work.

10. Convention of the Highlands and Islands – Information Request

The Group Is advised that, in preparation for the next Convention of the Highlands and Islands (COHI) meeting, all CPPs in the Highlands and Islands were asked to provide information on progress since the last COHI meeting.

There is circulated copy of the submission made by the Council on behalf of the Partnership by the deadline of 10 September 2014.  Should the Group seek to make any amendments, these can be submitted to North Ayrshire Council as the organising authority.

11. Chief Officer Group – Future Agenda Items

Agenda items proposed for future meetings of the Chief Officer Group are listed below:

• Partners’ approaches to improvement methodologies
• Budget planning and savings
• Joint working in Procurement

12. Community Planning Board – Future Agenda Items

Agenda items proposed for the 13 October 2014 meeting of the Community Planning Board are listed below:

• Skills Development Scotland presentation on the Regional Skills strategy
• HIE presentation on progress with the Digital Roll-Out plan
• SOA delivery plans – annual reports 2013/14 and refreshed plans for 2014/15
• Self-evaluation feedback and next steps
• What Works Scotland Programme (tbc)
• Any reports arising from the CPP Priority Groups

13. Events

Matters for discussion arising from recent or planned events are listed below:

  • Feedback from the HTSI on the CPP Seminars held to date and those planned
  • A participatory budgeting training event being hosted by the Council on behalf of the Scottish Government in Dingwall on either 15, 16 or 17 October, 1000-1600 (date tbc).   Whilst the programme is targeted at Councils, they may invite partners; Highland will have 5 places guaranteed, with a possibility of this increasing, depending on take-up from neighbouring authorities. Partners are asked whether they wish to nominate representatives.
  • The Scottish Leaders Forum – a Pioneer Site for Climate Change Leadership in the Highlands, being held at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, on 28 October, 1000-1300.  Working with the Scottish Government, the Highlands has been chosen as a pioneer site for climate change leadership. This event will aim to bring together Leaders from across the Highlands from the public, private, and third sectors.  Partners are invited to consider taking part in this initiative, working with other Leaders based in the Highlands to take action on climate change. (For further details/registration, please contact Stephen Carr, Highland Council at; 01463 702543.)
  • The 2nd Carbon Clever Conference being hosted by the Council on 17 November, to which all COG members will be invited.  The programme is under design and there will be opportunities for partners to lead seminars/workshops; partners are asked to confirm how they are contributing to the initiative.
  • Partners are invited to share information on any other planned events.
  • The Council is exploring how a shared events calendar can be created.

14. Chief Officers Group – Future Meeting Dates

Group members are reminded that the following remaining meeting date for 2014 has been notified: Friday, 7 November 2014.

Group members are advised that 2015 dates will be notified in due course.