Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Chief Officers Group will take place on Wednesday, 18 June 2014, in Committee Room 2, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, at 2.00 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Chief Officers Group – 29 April 2014

i. Note of Meeting

There is circulated for approval Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers Group held on 29 April 2014.

ii. Matter Arising – SOA Delivery Plans

Responsible Officers are asked to confirm that their delivery plan for the SOA will be refreshed and streamlined for consideration at the next Board meeting in September/October 2014.

3. Community Planning Board – 5 June 1014

i. Minutes and Action Note

There are circulated, for comment, Draft Minutes of Meeting of the Community Planning Board (CPB) held on 5 June 2014, together with, for reference, further copy of the Action Note previously circulated by email.

ii. Matters Arising

The Group is asked to:

a. note that all members should have received the hyperlink to complete the survey for the Board self- assessment, to which responses are required by 1 July 2014;
b. confirm arrangements for following up the CPP approach to the ‘Breastfeeding friendly’ policy (NHSH/HC);
c. consider how best to share information and share awareness within the CPP on ongoing and planned consultation and engagement processes (all partners to identify these);
d. agree lead officers and arrangements for taking forward the five agreed priorities for partnership working – in this context there is re-circulated (pp.19-20) Report dated 26 May 2014 by the Director of Marketing, Communications and Planning, University of the Highlands and Islands, previously circulated to the CPB meeting of 5 June;
e. note the branding agreed for the CPP, that the Council’s website will host CPB and COG agendas and minutes, and that this will identify lead officers;
f. agree who should lead and who support the development of the Partnership Prevention Plan, how to expand it and monitor it for impact, and how it can be mainstreamed through collaborative working; and
g. identify any partnership issues the Group would want to raise for a Scottish Government Cabinet meeting in the Highlands.

4. Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI) CPP Seminars

The Chief Officer, HTSI, will provide a verbal update on the plans for running seminars for the third sector on: community safety and reducing re-offending; the environment; employment and employability; children and families; older people’s services; health inequalities; community learning and development; sustainability and funding.  Partner contributions are sought for the seminars

5. Highland Commonwealth Games Legacy Plan

There is circulated for comment copy of the draft Highland Commonwealth Games Legacy Plan 2014-2017, to be considered by the Highland Council at its meeting on 26 June 2014.

6. Chief Officer Group – Future Agenda Items

Agenda items proposed for future meetings of the Chief Officer Group are listed below:

• HIE’s work on fragile areas, recent research into rural poverty and the Council’s emerging community impact assessment tool
• Partners’ approaches to improvement – sharing methodologies and benchmarking progress
• Update on the Communities’ Panel
• Partners’ approaches to public engagement
• Presentation on new European Funding programmes
• Update on the new CLD Strategic Partnership
• Partnership Prevention Plan Review

7. Community Planning Board – Future Agenda Items

Possible future agenda items for the Community Planning Board are listed below:

• Skills Development Scotland presentation on the Regional Skills strategy
• HIE presentation on progress with the Digital Roll-Out plan
• Refreshed SOA delivery plans for 2014/15 onwards (x 7)
• Consensus session for Board self-evaluation (may need separate session)

8. Chief Officers Group – Future Meeting Dates

Group members are reminded that the following meeting dates for 2014 have been notified:

Friday, 8 August 2014
Monday, 22 September 2014
Friday, 7 November 2014