Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Agenda: Read the Agenda


23 April 2014


Representing the Highland Council:

Mr S Barron
Ms M Morris
Mr B Alexander
Mr S Black
Mr H Fraser
Mr W Gilfillan
Mr D Yule

Representing Highlands and Islands Enterprise:

Mr M Johnson

Representing the Highland Third Sector Interface:

Ms M Wylie

Representing NHS Highland:

Ms E Mead
Mrs J Baird
Dr M Somerville
Ms M Paton

Representing Police Scotland:

Mr J Innes

Representing Scottish Fire and Rescue Service:

Mr S Hay

Representing the Scottish Government:

Mr J Pryce

Representing Scottish Natural Heritage:

Mr G Hogg

Representing University of the Highlands and Islands:

Ms F Larg
Mr M Wright

Supporting the Chief Officers Group:

Mr D Haas
Ms C McDiarmid


A meeting of the Chief Officers Group will take place on Tuesday, 29 April 2014, in Committee Room 2, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, at 2.00 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Minutes

i. Chief Officers Group (COG)

There are circulated for approval Notes of Meeting of the Chief Officers Group (COG) held on 30 January 2014  and of the Workshop held on 18 February 2014.

ii. Highland Public Services Partnership Performance (HPSPP) Board

There are circulated for reference Draft Minutes of Meeting of the Highland Public Services Partnership Performance (HPSPP) Board held on 6 March 2014.

3. Community Learning and Development (CLD) 

At its meeting held on 6 March 2014, in light of the presentation from representatives of Education Scotland on The Requirements of Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 1913, the HPSPP Board agreed that a report come to this Group on the implications of these Regulations for the work of the Partnership.

A presentation will be given by High Life Highland and the Head of Policy and Reform, the Highland Council, on the new CLD requirements and their implications for the Community Planning Partnership (CPP).

There is re-circulated Report No. COG/4/14 dated 12 March 2014 by the Head of Community Planning, NHS Highland, on behalf of the CPP Community Development (CD) Task Group, considering the issues involved and suggesting a way forward (previously circulated for the cancelled meeting of 18 March 2014).

The Group is asked to:

i. note the requirements in respect of CLD Partnership, CLD Planning and the CLD inspection regime;

ii. discuss and agree the recommendations from the CPP CD Task Group for addressing these requirements, as set out in the report; and

iii. advise as to the content and timing of an update to the Highland Public Services Partnership Performance Board.

4. Progress with the Single Outcome Agreement Development Plan and New Actions from the HPSPP Board

i. Identifying Strategic Priorities – following up the discussion and action from the HPSPP Board

There is circulated Report No. COG/5/14 dated 21 February 2014 by the Head of Policy and Performance, the Highland Council, previously circulated to and considered by the HPSPP Board at its 3 March meeting (item 2ii above refers). The report had sought Board approval for five strategic priorities, previously identified by this Group, on which the Community Planning Partnership would focus. The Board agreed at its meeting that these strategic priorities be reviewed in light of its comments and a further report brought back to the Board.

The Group is invited to revisit and re-discuss these draft priorities, the Board feedback and the revised approach to be recommended; and in particular to identify one or two COG members to work with the Head of Policy and Reform to re-draft the paper for circulation to the Group in advance of the next Board meeting on 5 June, reflecting these further discussions.

ii. Progress Updates

There is circulated Report No. COG/6/14 comprising copy of the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) Development Plan tabled by the Highland Council at the HPSPP Board meeting on 3 March. This provided an update on delivery on each of the improvement activities identified as a result of the Quality Assurance process for the Highland SOA 2013-2018.

Responsible officers are asked to give a verbal update against the Plan in relation to their respective themes.

The Group is invited to consider the issues raised.

5. Convention of the Highlands and Islands

There is circulated for information Scottish Government note of the outcomes of the meeting of the Convention of the Highlands and Islands on the topic of community planning and joint resourcing, held on 31 March 2014. The Group is asked to identify whether there is any further action required at this time. 

6. Highland Drugs and Alcohol Partnership - Chair

The Group is asked to agree that Chief Superintendent Julian Innes be appointed to succeed Dr Margaret Somerville as chair of the Highland Drugs and Alcohol Partnership.

7. Highland Public Services Partnership Performance Board

A note of agenda items proposed for the 5 June 2014 meeting of the Highland Public Services Partnership Performance Board will be tabled.

8. Chief Officers Group – Future Meeting Dates

Group members are reminded that the following meeting dates for 2014 have been notified:

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Friday, 8 August 2014

Monday, 22 September 2014

Friday, 7 November 2014

Partner organisations are invited to consider sharing the hosting of future Group meetings.