Agendas, reports and minutes

Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee

Date: Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee will take place in the Chamber, Council Offices, Drummuie, Golspie, KW10 6TG, on Wednesday, 16 September 2015, at 10.30 a.m.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/
Director of Corporate Development

1.Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh

The Committee is asked to note that the recess powers granted by the Council at its meeting on 25 June 2015 did not require to be exercised in relation to the business of the Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee.

4. Police – Area Performance Summary                                                
Poilis – Geàrr-chunntas Dèanadais Sgìreil

There is circulated Report No CS/21/15 dated 2 September 2015 by the North Area Commander for Police Scotland which provides a local summary update for Members on progress with reference to the local priorities within the Highland 2014-2017 Policing Plan.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise and discuss the progress report in relation to the 5 Priorities: Road Safety, Alcohol and Drug Abuse/Misuse, Antisocial Behaviour/Disorder, Crimes of Dishonesty and Protecting People

5. Safer Caithness                                                                                   
Gallaibh nas Sàbhailte

There is circulated Report No CS/22/15 dated 1 September 2015 by the Chief Superintendent, Highland and Islands Division for Police Scotland which provides some background information on a new Safer Caithness initiative to address public and private space issues based on the Inverness pilot. The initiative will see local resources combine to respond quickly to local problems to ensure early intervention, better outcomes and value for money.
The Committee is invited to:-

i.   note the start date of the trial of 7 September 2015;
ii.  note the willingness of agencies to work together; and
iii. agree to support the initiative and receive a further debrief on progress.

6. Fire and Rescue Service – Area Performance Summary
Seirbheis Smàlaidh is Teasairginn - Geàrr-chunntas Dèanadais Sgìreil

There is circulated Report No. CS/23/15 dated 7 September 2015 by the Local Senior Officer which provides an update on the progress against the priorities outlined in the Area Committee Plan for Caithness and Sutherland 2015 - 2016. The report also contains previously agreed information and performance as requested by Members.
The Performance Report and Area Committee Plan for 2015-16 are contained in Booklet A.

The Committee is invited to comment on and scrutinise the attached Area Performance Report.

7. Advice and Information Services: End of Year Monitoring                                                                   
Seirbheisean Comhairleachaidh agus Fiosrachaidh: Sgrùdadh Deireadh Bliadhna

There is circulated Report No CS/24/15 dated 31 August 2015 by the Director of Finance which advises that advice and information services are recognised as a critical approach in alleviating poverty in the Council’s Programme and Single Outcome Agreement.  This report provides Members with the end of year monitoring of advice and information services in Highland for 2014/15.
The Committee is invited to consider the:-

i. level of support provided to customers across Highland in 2014/15; the continued increase in demand for these services; and the pressures associated in delivering the intensive resource required to resolve complex cases;
ii. positive impact of the Mental Health Project in addressing issues presented by vulnerable clients which has current funding until the end of March 2016;
iii. positive impact of the Reaching the Unreached service in preventing households being evicted and avoiding additional pressures on the Council’s homeless services.  This service has Scottish Legal Aid Board funding until end of September 2016;
iv. potential of the Midwifery project to support new and expectant mothers in the Highlands to maximise their incomes which has funding until end of May 2016; and
v. outcomes being achieved in supporting Highland residents to mitigate the effects of poverty.

8. Capital Projects – Investing in Caithness and Sutherland                                                                                  
Pròiseactan Calpa – A’ Tasgadh ann an Gallaibh agus Cataibh

There is circulated Report No CS/25/15 dated 3 September 2015 by the Director of Finance which lists the capital projects included in the Council’s Capital Programme being delivered in the Caithness and Sutherland area in financial year 2015/16 and the in-year budgets for these projects
The Committee is invited to consider and note the budgeted capital projects being delivered in the Caithness and Sutherland area in 2015/16.

9. Grounds Maintenance Performance Monitoring Report
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Dèanadais a thaobh Obair-càraidh Raointean

There is circulated Report No CS/26/15 dated 19 August 2015 by the Director of Community Services which details performance management information of the Grounds Maintenance Services from April to mid-August 2015. Members are invited to note the management actions taken to deliver contracted and SLA grounds maintenance operations.

The Committee is invited to:-

i. scrutinise the performance management and remedial action information provided on the grounds maintenance service set out in this report ;
ii. note the management action taken to address the performance issues identified; and
iii. agree to review required service standards at future Ward Business Meetings.

10. Winter Maintenance Priority Network 2015/16                                   
Lìonra Prìomhachais Obair-càraidh Geamhraidh – 2015/16

There is circulated Report No CS/27/15 dated 13 August 2015 by the Director of Community Services which provides information on winter maintenance preparations and arrangements for the 2015/16 winter period and invites the Committee to agree the network of Primary & Secondary Priority routes within Caithness and Sutherland.
The Committee is invited to agree the Winter Maintenance Priority Network of Primary and Secondary routes for the Caithness and Sutherland Area for 2015/16, which includes the priority road maps, presented in Appendix B.

11.Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets Update                                      
Prògram Rothaireachd, Coiseachd agus Sràidean nas Sàbhailte

There is circulated Report No. CS/28/15 dated 23 July 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure which invites Members to approve the projects delivered through the Scottish Government funding for Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets for Caithness and Sutherland, as set out in Appendix 1.
The Committee is invited to:-

i. approve the Cycling Walking and Safer Streets/Safer Routes to Schools projects detailed in Appendix 1; and
ii. note that the Road Safety Unit will continue to work with schools to develop further Safer Routes to Schools Projects for future years

12.Housing Performance Report 
Aithisg Dèanadais a thaobh Taigheadais

There is circulated Report No. CS/29/15 dated 19 August 2015 by the Director of Community Services which provides information on how the Housing Section performed in relation to the Scottish Social Housing Charter and other performance indicators during the first quarter 2015/16.
The Committee is invited to scrutinise the information provided on housing performance in the period 1 April 2015 to 30 June 2015.

13.Associated School Group Overviews 
Sealladh Coitcheann air Buidheann Sgoiltean Co-cheangailte

a) Farr High School Associated School Group Overview
Sealladh Coitcheann air Buidheann Sgoiltean Co-cheangailte Àrd-sgoil Farr

There is circulated Report No. CS/30/15 dated 3 September 2015 by the Director of Care and Learning, which provides an update of key information in relation to the schools within the Farr High School Associated School Group (ASG), and provides useful updated links to further information in relation to these schools.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise and note the content of the report.

b) Kinlochbervie High School Associated School Group Overview
Sealladh Coitcheann air Buidheann Sgoiltean Co-cheangailte Àrd-sgoil Cheann Loch Biorbhaidh

There is circulated Report No. CS/31/15 dated 3 September 2015 by the Director of Care and Learning, which provides an update of key information in relation to the schools within the Kinlochbervie High School Associated School Group (ASG), and provides useful updated links to further information in relation to these schools.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise and note the content of the report.

14. Education Scotland Reports                                                              
Aithisgean le Foghlam Alba

There is circulated Report No. CS/32/15 dated 3 September 2015 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides details of Education Scotland’s inspections in the area during the period March 2015 to June 2015, for Members’ scrutiny and monitoring.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise and monitor the Education Scotland reports through this report.

15. Carbon CLEVER Community Grant Fund 2015-16                            
Sgeama Thabhartasan Coimhearsnachd Càrboin Ciallaich

There is circulated Report No CS/33/15 dated 1 September 2015 by the Head of Policy and Reform which sets out proposals in respect of the Carbon CLEVER community grant fund in Caithness and Sutherland for 2015-16. The report advised that no applications were received for Caithness and Sutherland and recommendations are presented for either a further round of funding this financial year or to carry the allocation forward to 2016/17.

The Committee is invited to agree whether to:-

i.  promote another round of funding this financial year (2015/16) with a closing date of 27 October 2015,  or
ii. carry the allocation forward to 2016/17.

16. Request for Boundary Change by Lairg and Rogart Community Councils
Iarrtas airson Atharrachadh Crìche le Comhairlean Coimhearsnachd Luirg agus Sgìr Raoghard

There is circulated Report No. CS/34/15 by the Head of Policy and Reform which details a request by Lairg and Rogart Community Councils for an amendment to be made to the boundary between the 2 Community Councils.  

The Committee is invited to agree the proposed boundary amendment set out at Appendix 1 as proposed and agreed by the 2 Community Councils and the local community.

17. East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Discretionary Fund and Community Services funding for St Andrews Church Board, Golspie          
Maoin fo Ùghdarras Uàird Chataibh an Ear agus Eadardain agus maoineachadh Sheirbheisean Coimhearsnachd airson Bòrd Eaglais Naomh Anndra, Goillspidh

There is circulated Joint Report No. CS/35/15 dated 3 September 2015 by the Head of Policy and Reform and Director of Community Services which invites Members to approve the provision of Ward Discretionary and Community Services funding to support construction of a disabled access ramp at St Andrews Church of Scotland, Golspie.
The Committee is invited approve the total funding package from Highland Council of £14,750.

18. Flood Risk Management – Progress Report                                 
Rianachd Cunnart Thuiltean – Aithisg Adhartais

There is circulated Report No. CS/36/15 dated 3 September 2015  by the Director of Development and Infrastructure which advises that SEPA has concluded the appraisal of the Flood Risk Management Strategy for the Highland & Argyll Local Plan District and agreed actions with The Highland Council for the first 6 year cycle (2016-2022). Due to the large number of studies required to better understand flood risk within the Highlands, these actions have had to be prioritised such that some studies will take place in the first cycle, with others taking place in the second, from 2022 onwards. Within the Caithness & Sutherland Area Golspie, Thurso, Wick, Dornoch and Lochinver were designated as Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVA) requiring appraisal by SEPA.

The report advises that Golspie and Thurso have been prioritised for the first cycle, with a Flood Protection Study (and Natural Flood Management Study) required to be commissioned for each. Dornoch and Lochinver have been prioritised for the second cycle, with a Flood Protection Study required to be commissioned to assess specific options in more detail. Wick (fluvial and coastal) has been identified as needing ‘improved understanding’ in the first cycle, meaning that the current modelling has not accurately reflected the risk and more detailed modelling will be carried out by SEPA.

The Committee is invited to note the progress and next steps in relation to Flood Alleviation Measures

19. Board of Golspie Links Trust                                                                  
Bòrd Urras Machair Ghoillspidh

Golspie Links Trust is a recently formed organisation which will work collaboratively to take forward funding applications for the beach replenishment scheme in Golspie area following flood damage in the area in December, 2012.

The Committee is asked to appoint a nominated Member to sit on the Board of Golspie Links Trust as a Director.

20. Dornoch Common Good Fund – Quarterly Monitoring Report 2015/16  
Maoin Maith Choitchinn Dhòrnaich – Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Ràitheil 2015/16

There is circulated Joint Report No. CS/37/15 dated 3 September 2015 by the Director of Finance and Head of Policy and Reform which invites Members to consider the position of the Dornoch Common Good Fund as shown in the Quarter 1 Monitoring Statement.
The Committee is invited to consider the Quarter 1 monitoring as set out in Appendix 1.

21. Minutes                                                                                             

There are circulated for:-

i. noting Minutes of the Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee held on 26 May 2015, which were approved by the Council on 25 June 2015; and
ii. approval Minutes of the Deprived Area Working Group held on 26 May and 1 September 2015.