Agendas, reports and minutes
Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum
Date: Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Minutes: Read the Minutes
Minutes of Meeting held in the Council Offices, High Street, Dingwall on Tuesday 24 November 2015.
Mr Robin Forrest (Chairman)
Mr Fraser Fotheringham
Mr Robin Chalmers
Mr Norman Chisholm
Mr John MacKenzie
Mr Hector Munro
Cllr Ian Cockburn
Mr Stewart Campbell
In Attendance:
Mr Philip Waite, Access Officer, Planning and Development Service
Mr George Duff,
Ms Sandra Davies, Clerical Officer, Business Support
1. Apologies for Absence
Mr Tom Forrest
Mr Archie Mclennon (stepping down)
2. Braemore Estate – Should be Mrs Gamble
3. Presentation of West Highland and Islands Core Plan Review 2015/2016 Wester Ross
PW went through the current proposed additional routes and changes to the Core Path Plan as result of the first stage of the review. He explained that the assessment has to particularly consider; The Reporters comments from the first Core Path Plan; Longer distance routes, quiet roads, hill paths, new path and significant changes. Each Settlement Zone was taken in turn with possible candidate Core Paths identified for inclusion. The proposals were highlighted in purple if the clearly met the aims of the review or orange (red on maps) if further investigation or consultation was required.
Concerns were raised in identifying the Cape Wrath Trail as a justification for inclusion. PW clarified that being part of the CWT would not automatically qualify for inclusion but would give some indication of demand.
PW then went through the report and maps and asked for comments on each proposed candidate Core Path or other change to the Core Path Plan.
There were 40 proposals (list attached) of which the Forum supported 26 of the changes, disagreed with 4 and suggested 10 needed further information or consultation.
PW explained that there will be a draft consultative report based on the presentation and comments today, early 2016 before consultations events linked to the Local Development Plan consultations.
4. Core Path Improvements – no update given due to lack of time
5. Access Issues update
- Ledgowan - no progress made and unlikely to proceed due to no confidence in success with section 14. Awaiting a press release response from Council solicitor. Cllr IC strongly supports getting a QC opinion on the matter.
- PW received a request from one of the original complainants regarding Slaggan and free roaming cattle. Situation should be reviewed as cattle a danger and should be fenced in. There are fewer cattle than originally present and Forum agree fencing is even less justified. Estimate of costs at £8 per metre equals £25k
- Deferred due to lack of time
- Udale - again another resurrected issue. Severely puddled ground, difficult gates and signs referring to cattle that are not present. Landowners appear to be not doing what they said they would. Signs should be removed and path improved. Will council follow up with enforcement, stronger case as it is a core path?
6. National Access Forum matters – deferred due to lack of time
7. Exemption from Access Rights
Strathpuffer 2016 following same course as last year although may have a slight change which would separate route to View Rock. Forum agreed to exemption on condition of repairs to any section damaged by the event within 14 days.
JM suggestion for co-opted landowner representative Joanna Macpherson of Attadale.
9. Date of Next meeting
No date was set until the progress on consultation of the review was known, although thought likely to be March or April.