Agendas, reports and minutes
Highland Licensing Board
Date: Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Minutes: Read the Minutes
Minute of the meeting of the Highland Licensing Board held in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, on Tuesday 8 December 2015 at 1.00pm.
Dr I Cockburn
Mr C Fraser
Mr A Henderson
Mrs L Macdonald
Ms M Smith
Mr J Stone
In Attendance:
Mr A Mackenzie, Clerk
Ms S Blease, Depute Clerk
Mr I Cox, Licensing Standards Officer
Mr D Inglis, Licensing Standards Officer
Mrs L Treasurer, Licensing Standards Officer
Ms A Macrae, Committee Administrator
Also In Attendance:
Sergeant B Gray, Police Scotland
Item: 7.3: Mr G Watson, Solicitor for the Applicant
Item: 8.2: Mr M Stewart, Solicitor for the Applicant
Item: 8.3: Ms L Macdonald, Applicant and Mr C Drake, Objector
Briefing on Protocol for Webcasting of Meetings.
Dr I Cockburn in the Chair
The Convener advised the Board that the meeting would be filmed and broadcast over the internet on the Highland Council website and would be archived and available for viewing for 12 months.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr A Duffy, Mr R Greene, Mr W Mackay and Mrs G Sinclair.
2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt.
There were no declarations of interest.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
Dearbhadh a’ Ghearr-chunntais
There had been circulated for confirmation the minute of meeting of the Board held on 3 November 2015.
The minute was held as read and APPROVED.
4. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Licences granted under Delegated Powers
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Ceadachdan a bhuilicheadh fo Ùghdarras air a Thiomnadh
There had been circulated Report No HLB/118/15 detailing licences which had been granted under delegated powers by the Clerk to the Board during the period 21 October 2015 to 24 November 2015.
The Board NOTED the Report.
5. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Occasional Licences and Extended Hours granted under Delegated Powers
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Ceadachdan Corra-uair agus Uairean Sìnte a bhuilicheadh fo Ùghdarras air a Thiomnadh
There had been circulated Report No HLB/119/15 detailing occasional licences and extended hours applications which had been granted under delegated powers by the Clerk to the Board during the period 21 October to 24 November 2015.
The Board NOTED the report.
6. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005
Applications for variation (major) to premises licences
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005
Iarrtasan airson Caochladh (Mòr) a thaobh Ceadachdan Thogalaichean
6.1 Ref: HC/RSL/1751
Applicant: Glenuig Community Shop Ltd
Premises: Glenuig Community Shop, Glenuig, Lochailort
Type: Off Sales
There had been circulated Report No HLB/120/15 by the Clerk inviting the Board to determine the application.
The Board AGREED to grant the application subject to the mandatory conditions.
7. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Applications for provisional premises licences
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Iarrtas airson ceadachdan thogalaichean le cumha
7.1 Ref: HC/CSER/1750
Applicant: Graham Rooney
Premises: Platform 1864, Station Road, Tain
Type: On and Off Sales
There had been circulated Report No HLB/121/15 by the Clerk inviting the Board to determine the application.
The Board AGREED to grant the application subject to the mandatory conditions, the local conditions, the special condition and the late opening conditions as detailed in paragraph 7 of the Report.
7.2 Ref: HC/RSL/1752
Applicant: Donald Houston
Premises: Mingray Castle, Kilchoan
Type: On and Off Sales
There had been circulated Report No HLB/122/15 by the Clerk inviting the Board to determine the application.
The Board AGREED to grant the application subject to the mandatory conditions.
7.3 Ref: HC/INBS/584
Applicant: The Partnership of James E Dunbar and Lynn Dunbar
Premises: Ness Deli, The Green, Drumnadrochit
Type: On and Off Sales
There had been circulated Report No HLB/123/15 by the Clerk inviting the Board to determine the application.
On hearing from Mr G Watson for the Applicant, the Board AGREED to grant the application subject to the mandatory conditions.
8. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Applications for variation (major) to premises licences
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Iarrtasan airson caochladh (mòr) a thaobh ceadachdan thogalaichean
8.1 Ref: HC/RSL/0301
Applicant: Emma Louise MacLean
Premises: Lochcarron Food Centre, Main Street, Lochcarron
Type: Off Sales
There had been circulated Report No HLB/124/15 by the Clerk inviting the Board to determine the application.
The Board AGREED to grant the application subject to the mandatory conditions.
8.2 Ref: HC/RSL/0774
Applicant: Punch Partnership Limited per TLT LLP, 140 West George Street, Glasgow
Premises: Portree Hotel, Somerled Square, Portree, Isle of Skye
Type: On Sales and Off Sales
There had been circulated Report No HLB/125/15 by the Clerk inviting the Board to determine the application.
On hearing from Mr M Stewart for the applicant, the Board AGREED to grant the application subject to the mandatory, the local and the special conditions as detailed in paragraph 7 of the Report.
8.3 Ref: HC/INBS/381
Applicant: The Star Inn (Ardersier) Ltd, Elm House, Cradlehall Business Park, Inverness IV2 5GH per Katie MacDonald.
Premises: The Star Inn, 8 High Street, Ardersier, Inverness
Type: On and Off Sales
There had been circulated Report No HLB/126/15 by the Clerk which advised that a timeous notice of representation dated 13 November 2015 had been received from Mr and Mrs C and M Drake. The Report invited the Board to determine the application.
During discussion of this item, the Licensing Standards Officer provided Members, the applicant and objector with an opportunity to view and discuss the layout plan for the premises
Thereafter, Ms L Macdonald, applicant spoke in support of her application during which she advised that in response to the objection received the smoking area had been relocated to the rear of the premises and measures introduced so that patrons were not permitted to consume alcoholic or non- alcoholic drinks outwith the premises after 2300hrs. Her staff also undertook regular sound checks and turned down the volume of any music after midnight. In addition doors and windows at the premises were always kept closed with the exception of the rear door which served as the access to the smoking area. She had also recently purchased a flat close to the premises and adjacent to the objector’s property and had found that any music arising from the premises was inaudible from that property. In conclusion she advised that while she considered the grounds of the complaint were not justified she was willing to ensure a steward was located at the rear access to the smoking area at weekends when there was music playing.
Mr C Drake advised that his main concern related to the noise nuisance arising from the premises from live and recorded music from 10pm onwards noting that his house was located only 10 metres away from the premises. He was also concerned at the noise and disturbance arising from the use of the main entrance to the premises located next door to his property and the fact that this was used as a toilet and smoking area and also that some patrons had vomited
in close proximity to his property. He also expressed concern that the curtilage of the building was not cleaned and any materials removed until the next morning.
The Licensing Standards Officer reported that following discussion with the applicants he was hopeful that they would take all necessary steps to address the objectors’ concerns within the noise management plan noting that he had received an initial draft of the plan. He suggested that the management of the main entrance to the front of the premises was crucial particularly at the busier and egress times and to ensure smokers were using the designated area to the rear of the premises. In addition to the conditions recommended to be attached to the grant of a licence, it was also important the applicants demonstrated their willingness to be good neighbours and ensure there was appropriate management to control customers and their behaviour and ensure adequate supervision and cleaning of the curtilage of the premises.
During discussion, Members commented as follows:-
it was important that the Licensing Standards Officer continue to offer advice and assistance to the applicants to ensure any concerns were addressed going forward;
that the application be granted on the basis there were special conditions recommended in the Report which were designed to mitigate against any noise nuisance in addition to the requirement that the applicants complete and submit a noise management plan to demonstrate how they would ensure compliance with the licensing objectives;
it was important that the applicant maintained good communication with the objectors and other neighbours in the community to ensure that any issues arising in relation to the premises could be resolved timeously; and
that it be delegated to the Licensing Standards Officer to finalise the noise management plan with the applicants and the objector.
The Board AGREED to grant the application subject to the mandatory, the local and the special conditions as detailed in paragraph 8 of the Report.
9. Surrender of premises licence
Gèilleadh ceadachd togalaich
9.1 Premises: The Birch Tree, Delny, Invergordon,
Licence Holder: Barry Hartshorne
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
9.2 Premises: Caol Community Centre, Caol, Fort William
Licence Holder: Karen Fay Houghton
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
9.3 Premises: Coffee Shop/Celtic Spirits, Strathpeffer,
Licence Holder: Michael Mackenzie
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
9.4 Premises: Grant’s, 50 High Street, Dingwall, IV15 9HL
Licence Holder: Wilma and Fraser Hutcheson
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
9.5 Premises: Melvaig Inn, Gairloch, IV21 2DZ
Licence Holder: Ian Douglass
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005
9.6 Premises: Invercassley Stores, Rosehall, IV27 4BD
Licence Holder: Robert Sendall
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
9.7 Premises: Falls of Shin Visitors Centre, Achany Glen, Lairg, IV27 4EE
Licence Holder: Balnagown Castle Properties Limited
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
9.8 Premises: Burghfield House Hotel, Cnoc an Lobht, Dornoch, IV25 3HN
Licence Holder: The North Highland College
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
9.9 Premises: Roy Bridge Stores, Roy Bridge PH31 4AE
Licence Holder: Partnership of Raymond and Lorna Weir
The Board NOTED the above Premises Licences had been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.
10. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Section 36 - Request for a review hearing – premises licence
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Earrann 36 – Iarrtas airson eisteachd athbhreithneachaidh – ceadachd thogalaichean
10.1 Licence Holder: Mohammed Sajed Ahmed
Premises: Curry King, 15 Bridge Street, Wick
There had been circulated Report No HLB/127/15 by the Clerk advising that a premises licence review application had been received from the Licensing Standards Officer in respect of the above premises. The Report invited the Board to determine the premises licence review application by way of a review hearing.
The Clerk explained that that all possible efforts to contact Mr Ahmed to notify him of the hearing had been to no avail and that he was not present at the meeting.
Thereafter, the Licensing Standards Officer explained that the annual fee to maintain the premises licence, due by 1 October 2015, had not been paid by the licence holder and that failure to pay the fee was a breach of mandatory condition 10 in terms of section 27(1) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. He explained that Mr Ahmed had vacated the premises without notice and that the landlord and current occupier of the premises had no knowledge of his whereabouts. He explained that all possible efforts had been made to trace the licence holder to no avail and that the annual fee remained unpaid. In the circumstances his recommendation was that the Board should revoke the licence. He explained that this course of action would also allow the current occupiers of the premises to submit an application for a new premises licence.
The Board AGREED to revoke the premises licence.
The meeting ended at 1.50pm.
- Item 4 - Licences granted under delegated powers (HLB/118/15) Report, 22.32 KB
- Item 5 - Occasional licencesand extended hours (HLB/119/15) Report, 93.38 KB
- Item 6.1 - Premises: Glenuig Community Shop, Glenuig, Lochailort (HLB/120/15) Report, 24.47 KB
- Item 7.1 - Premises: Platform 1864, Station Road, Tain (HLB/121/15) Report, 27.1 KB
- Item 7.2 - Premises: Mingary Castle, Kilchoan (HLB/122/15) Report, 25.49 KB
- Item 7.3 - Premises: Ness Deli, The Green, Drumnadrochit (HLB/123/15) Report, 21.11 KB
- Item 8.1 - Premises: Lochcarron Food Centre, Main Street, Lochcarron (HLB/124/15) Report, 19.71 KB
- Item 8.2 - Premises: Portree Hotel, Somerled Square, Portree (HLB/125/15) Report, 22.19 KB
- Item 8.3 - Premises: The Star Inn, 8 High Street, Ardersier (HLB/126/15) Report, 194.25 KB
- Item 10.1 - Premises: Curry King, 15 Bridge Street,Wick (HLB/127/15) Report, 18.62 KB