Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Thursday, 19 May 2016

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group held in Committee Room 2, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Thursday 19 May 2016 at 11.00 am.
Representing the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA):
Mr G Moir

Representing the Highland Council (HC):
Ms M Morris
Mr B Alexander
Mr W Gilfillan
Ms A Clark

Representing Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE):
Ms C Wright (Teleconferencing)
Mr J Gibbs

Representing the Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI):
Ms M Wylie Representing High Life Highland (HLH):
Mr I Murray

Representing NHS Highland (NHSH):
Ms E Mead
Ms C Steer

Representing Police Scotland (PS):
Supt R MacKillop

Representing Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS):
Mr S Hay

Representing Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH):
Mr G Hogg
In attendance:

Ms C Buxton, Director of Regional Development, HIE (Item 5)
Ms C McDiarmid, Head of Policy and Reform, Highland Council (Item 8)
Miss M Murray, Committee Administrator, Highland Council

Mr G Moir in the Chair

1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr S Barron, Mr S Black, Mr D Yule, Mr P Mascarenhas, Ms E Johnston, Dr H van Woerden, T/Ch Supt P MacRae, Mr J Pryce, Mr M Devenney,
2. Chief Officers’ Group – Note of Meeting

The Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group held on 21 April 2016 had been circulated and was APPROVED subject to the inclusion of Ms C Wright’s apologies.

Matters Arising

Item 5i(ii) - Ms C Wright, Sector and Business Development Director, HIE, explained that she would attend the COG and the CPP Board, supported by one of HIE’s three Highland Area Managers.  The HIE Board was non-executive and did not participate in community planning groups therefore, whilst noting the request, it would not be possible for there to be HIE Board Member representation on the CPP Board.
3. Implementing the Community Empowerment Act
i. Workshop Session on Draft Guidance and Regulations

As agreed at the COG on 21 April 2016, a workshop session took place to discuss partnership responses to the Consultations on Draft Guidance and Regulations for a) Part 2 Community Planning; b) Asset Transfer Requests; and c) Participation Requests.

Following the workshop, it was AGREED that:-

i. Mr G Moir draft a response in relation to Part 2 Community Planning;
ii. Mr P Mascarenhas draft responses in relation to Asset Transfer and Participation Requests; and
iii. the draft responses be circulated to partners for comments.
ii. Taking Forward Local Partnerships

There had been circulated Report COG/12/16 dated 9 May 2016 by the Acting Head of Policy which provided the COG with an update on discussions to take forward Local Community Planning Partnerships.  The report asked the COG to agree:-

  • a COG recommendation around the geography for local community planning structures;
  • how these local community planning structures would be led, supported and resourced;
  • how the COG and CPP Board would be supported and resourced going forward;
  • the framework for the guidance for the Local Partnerships; and
  • the COG’s recommendation to the Board in June in relation to all of the above.

Following discussion, the Group:-

i. in relation to the geography for local partnerships, AGREED to recommend Option 1 (Utilising District Partnership geography) to the Board and that it be reviewed after 12 months, acknowledging that, whilst it was not everyone’s first choice, it was important to reach a consensus and it  provided a useful starting point and supported operational arrangements for Highland Council and NHS Highland in relation to adult and children’s services
ii. in relation to how the COG and Board would be resourced going forward, AGREED to recommend Option 1 (Lead Agency Approach) to the Board;
iii. AGREED that the report to the Board should set out the various options in relation to geography and resourcing but specify the COG’s recommendations and reasons in terms of operational issues etc;
iv. AGREED to recommend that the lead statutory agency should also Chair the associated Local Partnerships;
v. AGREED to recommend that there be a preference that Local Partnership Vice Chairs be community representatives;
vi. AGREED to recommend that Local Partnership representation from the other 10 partners be as and when necessary on a thematic basis;
vii. AGREED to recommend that each Local Partnership should have a place on the Community Planning Board;
viii. AGREED that a report setting out the timetable for developing the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan be presented to the COG on 11 August 2016;
ix. AGREED that the small working group should continue to develop the arrangements for Local Partnerships; and
x. AGREED that a report on the next steps for taking forward Local Partnerships be presented to the COG on 11 August 2016.
4. National Park Partnership Plan

Mr G Moir, Chief Executive, CNPA, gave a verbal update on the National Park Partnership Plan which, it was explained, provided the statutory context for all the work that the Park had responsibility for.  A new Plan was produced every five years and was signed off by Scottish Ministers.  The next Plan commenced in April 2017 and development work was ongoing, with a statutory consultation scheduled to take place between 27 June and 30 September 2016.  He summarised the proposed format of the consultation and highlighted that a number of different engagement tools would be used to encourage people to take part.  Following the consultation, a final Plan would be developed that would set out the key policies and actions for the next five year period.  He sought the support of partners in encouraging people to get involved in the consultation and highlighted that the Plan might provide some useful ideas in relation to the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan.

Following discussion, the Group NOTED the update and AGREED:-

i. to encourage people to get involved in the consultation process; and
ii. that the lessons learned from the consultation process be shared with the COG.
5. HIE Youth Survey

Ms C Buxton, Director of Regional Development, HIE, gave a presentation on a survey of the attitudes and aspirations of young people in relation to the Highlands and Islands.  Information was provided on the survey objectives and approach, as well as the findings and subsequent policy recommendations in relation to educational opportunities; employment; digital and mobile connectivity; and housing.

Following discussion, the Group:-

i. NOTED the presentation and that the survey information was available on HIE’s website;
ii. NOTED that the findings of an initial workshop looking at what could be done to address the issues raised would be circulated to partners;
iii. NOTED that further workshops would take place at a more local level;
iv. AGREED that consideration be given to combining a workshop with a Highland Youth Voice meeting;
v. AGREED that, if practicable, a Highland-specific version of the presentation be circulated to partners; and
vi. AGREED that consideration be given to the design of future surveys being discussed in partnership.
6. Partnership Approach to Improvement Methodologies

Ms E Mead, Chief Executive, NHS Highland, gave a presentation on a partnership approach to improvement methodologies, during which information was provided on demographic pressure, financial constraints and the Highland Quality Approach, the improvement programme adopted by NHS Highland.

Following discussion, the Group AGREED that:-

i. the presentation be circulated to the COG for information;
ii. partners liaise with Ms Mead directly if they required further information to feed back to their organisations; and
iii. potential opportunities to roll out the Highland Quality Approach throughout partner agencies and provide multi-agency training be explored at the COG on 11 August 2016.
7. Active Highland Strategy

There had been circulated Report No COG/13/16 dated 12 May 2016 by the Head of Health Improvement, NHSH, which presented a brief overview of the development and direction of Active Highland – a refreshed framework of outcomes and commitments for promoting opportunities around physical activity and sport for the Highland population.  It replaced the Council’s Physical Activity and Sport Strategy.

Following discussion, the Group AGREED:-

i. to endorse the Active Highland strategy and outcomes framework;
ii. to support the direction of travel for continued development of the strategy;
iii. to support the consultation exercise for the Active Highland strategy;
iv. to commit to support implementation of the strategy;
v. that the Active Highland strategy should be presented to the CPP Board on 30 June 2016 for sign off; and
vi. that the report to the Board should highlight that the consultation was the starting point and delivery was the next stage in the process.
8. The Redesign of Highland Council

Ms C McDiarmid, Head of Policy and Reform, gave a presentation on the redesign of Highland Council, during which information was provided on the case for redesign, the Redesign Board, the objectives and the timeline.  The report agreed at the Redesign Board on 10 May 2016 had been circulated to provide background information on the phases of redesign.

Thereafter, a workshop session took place during which the Group was asked for views on Phase 1 of the redesign which focussed on the purpose and values of the Council and the outcomes it had to achieve.

Following the workshop, the Group:-

i. NOTED the report and presentation; and
ii. AGREED that the Chair of the Redesign Board be invited to attend the COG on 11 August 2016 to discuss the redesign process.
9. Future Agenda Items – Community Planning Board

Following discussion regarding the length of the agenda, during which it was highlighted that a number of items were for information/would require minimal discussion, the Group AGREED the following list of items for the Community Planning Board on 30 June 2016:-

  • Quarterly Progress Reports (Q4 2015/16) for all CPP themes
  • Presentation on the Economy (including the City-Region deal)
  • The Commission on Highland Democracy
  • Audit Scotland National Report: Community Planning – An Update
  • Implementing the Community Empowerment Act:-
    - Report(s) on partnership responses to Consultations on Draft Guidance and Regulations for a) Part 2 Community Planning; b) Asset Transfer Requests; and c) Participation Requests
    - Taking Forward Local Partnerships – Community Planning at a Local Level
    - SEP Index - Targeting Partnership Action
    -Participatory Budgeting Update
  • Community Planning Improvement Programme
  • Scottish Care Leavers Covenant
  • Breakthrough Achievement – Social Isolation and Loneliness
  • National Park Partnership Plan
  • Presentation and Consultation on the SFRS Strategic Plan 2016-19
  • Active Highland Strategy

It was further AGREED that:-

i. “CPP approach to tackling fuel poverty” be deferred to the October Board;
ii. “Taking Forward Local Partnerships” was the key item and it was important there was sufficient time for discussion; and
iii. Quarterly Progress Reports be moved to the end of the agenda and officer introductions take place on an exception basis.
 Turning to the Community Planning Board on 7 October 2016, the Group AGREED the following items:-

  • CPP approach to tackling fuel poverty
  • HIE Youth Survey
  • Partnership Approach to Improvement Methodologies

10. Future Agenda Items – Chief Officers’ Group

The Group AGREED the following items for future meetings of the Chief Officers’ Group:-

  • Timetable for Local Outcomes Improvement Plan
  • Taking Forward Local Partnerships – Next Steps
  • Partnership Approach to Improvement Methodologies – explore opportunities to roll out the Highland Quality Approach and provide multi-agency training
  • The Scope for a Salary Sacrifice Scheme for HLH Membership

It was further AGREED that details of any additional items should be provided to Alison Clark/Melanie Murray for the time being.
11. Future Meeting Dates

The Group NOTED the following meeting dates for 2016:-

11 August
11 November

It was AGREED that Ms E Mead, Chief Executive, NHSH, would Chair the meeting on 11 August.
12. AOCB

Mr G Hogg, Unit Manager – South Highland, SNH, provided details of a Council-led green infrastructure project in Merkinch that was currently at risk due to diminishing staff resources.  The project cut across a number of SOA themes and it was important to work in partnership to support what was the most deprived community in Highland.  Discussions had taken place with key Council staff and they were willing to continue to lead on the project but had requested the identification of a small project group to support them.  SNH had identified a member of staff and NHS Highland and HIE had also indicated their willingness to be involved.  Four partners were sufficient for the project group but he sought the support of the COG as a whole for the project.

The Group AGREED to support the project and the formation of a small project group.

Ms C Steer, Head of Health Improvement, NHSH, reminded partners that the launch of the “Reach Out” campaign to tackle loneliness and social isolation would take place at Drakies Primary School at 2.00 pm on Friday 20 May 2016.  Details had been circulated by email and partners were invited to attend or send a representative, visit the campaign website ( and publicise the campaign throughout their organisations.

The Group NOTED the invitation and AGREED to publicise the campaign throughout partner organisations.

Ms A Clark, Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council, explained that the Scottish Government had been in contact regarding Ministerial visits to CPP networks and had requested information on key local stakeholders and showcase community planning projects.

The Group AGREED to utilise the examples identified during the workshop session at item 8 on the agenda and that any further ideas be forwarded to the Acting Head of Policy.

The meeting ended at 3.35 pm.