Agendas, reports and minutes

Caithness Committee

Date: Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Agenda: Read the Supplementary Agenda

In relation to the agenda circulated for the above Meeting of the Caithness Committee, please find attached the following which it was indicated would follow:-


Webcasting Options
Roghainnean Craoladh-lìn

There is circulated Report No. CC/02/16 by the Director of Finance which seeks a decision on whether the Caithness Committee meetings should be webcasted and, if so, the funding source/s of the additional costs that webcasting would incur. 

The Committee is invited:-

i. to note the current service demand for webcasting;

ii. to decide whether the Local Committee should be webcasted noting that savings of £25.8k would be delivered if webcasting of Local Committees was not undertaken;

iii. when the views of all local committees are obtained then approval for the capital funding will be submitted to Resources Committee at the earliest opportunity; and

iv. where Members agree that webcasting is to be undertaken the annual recurring cost of £4,800 is met by each Ward Discretionary budget providing £218 per annum.

Yours sincerely

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/
Director of Corporate Development