Agendas, reports and minutes

City of Inverness Area Committee

Date: Monday, 19 June 2017

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the City of Inverness Area Committee held in the Council Chamber, Town House, Inverness on Monday, 16 June 2017 at 10.30am.

Mr R Balfour, Mr B Boyd, Mr I Brown, Mrs C Caddick, Miss J Campbell, Mrs H Carmichael, Mr A Christie, Mr G Cruickshank, Mrs M Davidson, Mr K Gowans, Mr A Graham, Mr J Gray, Mr A Jarvie, Ms E Knox, Mr R Laird, Mrs I MacKenzie, Mr D Macpherson, Mr R MacWilliam, Mrs B McAllister, Mrs T Robertson, Mr G Ross, Mr C Smith

Officials in Attendance:
Mr D Haas, Inverness City Area Manager
Mr M MacLeod, Head of Planning and Building Standards, Development and Infrastructure Service
Mr J Kelman, Principal Project Manager, Development and Infrastructure Service
Mr K Forbes, Property Manager (Estates), Development and Infrastructure Service
Ms D Sutton, Amenities Manager (South), Community Services
Mr R Gerring, Transport Planning Manager, Community Services
Mr J Taylor, Roads Operations Manager, Community Services
Mrs S McKandie, Benefits and Welfare Manager, Finance Service
Mr K MacInnes, Principal Economy Officer, Development and Infrastructure Service
Mr B Stout, Principal Engineer, Development and Infrastructure Service
Mr J Reid, Environmental Health Technical Officer, Community Services 
Mr R Duncan, Trading Standards Officer, Corporate Development Service
Miss J MacLennan, Democratic Services Manager, Corporate Development Service
Miss J Green, Administrative Assistant, Corporate Development Service

Also in attendance:
Dr J Howarth, Vice Principal for Enterprise, UHI
Mr K Murray, Kevin Murray Associates 

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to Committee.

Mr D Haas in the Chair for Items 1-4.


1. Apology for Absence

An apology for absence was intimated on behalf of Mrs G Campbell-Sinclair.

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

The Committee NOTED the following declarations of interest:-

Item 10 – Mr R Balfour, Mr A Graham, Mr R Laird and Mr G Ross (all non-financial)
Item 11 – Mr K Gowans (non-financial)
Item 15 – Mrs B McAllister (non-financial)

3. Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh

It was NOTED that the recess powers granted by the Council at its meeting on 9 March 2017 had not required to be exercised in relation to the business of this Committee.

4. Appointment of Provost and Leader of Inverness and Area    
Cur an Dreuchd Pròbhaist agus Ceannard Inbhir Nis agus a Sgìre

It was AGREED to appoint Mrs H Carmichael to the position of Provost and Leader of Inverness and Area.

(At this point, Mrs H Carmichael took the Chair). 

5. New Post of Depute Provost and Leader of Inverness and Area
Dreuchd Ùr Iar-Phròbhaist agus Ceannard Inbhir Nis agus a Sgìre

The Committee was invited to consider the creation of a new post of Depute Provost and Leader of Inverness and Area. In this regard, a job description was tabled at the meeting.

Following discussion, it was AGREED to establish a new post of Depute Provost and Leader of Inverness and Area. 

6. Appointment of Depute Provost and Leader of Inverness and Area
Cur an Dreuchd Iar-Phròbhaistean agus Ceannard Inbhir Nis agus a Sgìre    

It was AGREED to appoint Mr G Ross to the position of Depute Provost and Leader of Inverness and Area.

7. Appointment of Depute Provost
Cur an Dreuchd Iar-Phròbhaist

It was AGREED to appoint Mrs B McAllister to the position of Depute Provost.

8. Presentation of Civic Medals
Toirt Seachad nam Bonn Catharra    

A Presentation of the Inverness Medal was undertaken in relation to two members of staff who had acted in the highest sprit of service to administer CPR to a colleague who had suffered a heart attack whilst at work on the morning of 3 February 2017.

In this regard, and following presentation of the medals, it was AGREED to convey the thanks of the Council to the two members of staff for the actions which had been taken.

(At this point in the meeting, the Committee observed a Minute’s Silence to remember the victims of the recent Grenfell Tower fire in London). 

9. Appointments to Sub-Committee, Working Groups etc
Cur an Dreuchd gu Fo-Chomataidhean, Buidhnean-obrach is eile

The Committee AGREED membership of the following Sub-Committees, Working Groups etc – 

(i) Inverness City Arts Working Group (5 Members) – Mrs H Carmichael, Mr G Ross, Mr A Christie, Mrs B McAllister and Mrs I MacKenzie.    

(ii) Inverness Common Good Fund Grants Sub-Committee (11 Members) – Mrs H Carmichael, Miss J Campbell, Mr G Ross, Mr R Laird, Mr B Boyd, Mr I Brown, Mr A Graham, Mrs C Caddick, Mrs B McAllister, Mr A Jarvie and Mr G Cruickshank.    

(iii) Events and Festivals Working Group (5 Members) – Mr G Ross, Mrs T Robertson, Mrs B McAllister, Mr C Smith and Mr I Brown.    

(iv) Inverness Partnership (Chair) (1 Member) – Mr G Ross.

10. Appointments to Outside Bodies
Cur an Dreuchd gu Buidhnean on Taobh A-muigh

Declarations of Interest – Mr R Balfour as a Director of Inverness, Badenoch and Strathspey Citizens’ Advice Bureau (xix), Mr A Graham as a co-opted Member of the Charleston Community Complex Management Committee (iii), Mr R Laird as Chair of the James Cameron Community Centre Service Review Group (xx) and Mr G Ross as the Treasurer of Highland Disability Sport (v) declared non-financial interests in this item and but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that their interests did not preclude them from taking part in the discussion.

The Committee AGREED appointments to the following Outside Bodies – 

(i) Addictions Counselling Inverness (2 Members) – Miss J Campbell and Mr R MacWilliam.

(ii) Cameron Youth Centre Management Committee (1 Member) – Mr G Ross.

(iii) Charleston Community Complex Management Committee (3 Members) – Mr G Ross, Mr B Boyd and 1 Member from the Aird & Loch Ness Ward. 

(iv) Dr Forbes Trust – (Provost and 4 other Members) – Mr R Balfour, Mr R MacWilliam, Mrs C Caddick and Mr G Cruickshank.   

(v) Highland Disability Sport (1 Member) – Mrs B McAllister.

(vi) Highland Military Tattoo at Fort George Management Board (1 Member) – Mr R Balfour

(vii) Highlanders’ Museum (Provost and 2 other Members) – withdrawn from the agenda.

(viii) Hilton Community Centre Management Committee (3 Members) – Mr R MacWilliam, Mr C Smith and Mr A Christie.

(ix) Inverness and Nairn Local Access Forum (2 Members) – Mrs B McAllister and Mr A Jarvie.

(x) Inverness Area Sports Council (4 Members) – Mr G Ross, Mr A Graham, Mrs B McAllister and Mr C Smith.

(xi) Inverness BID (1 Member) - Provost 

(xii) Inverness City Heritage Trust (3 Members) – Miss J Campbell, Mr R MacWilliam and Mr J Gray.

(xiii) Inverness Civic Trust (2 Members) – Mr R Laird and Mrs I MacKenzie.

(xiv) Inverness Community Safety Partnership (1 Member) – Miss J Campbell.

In this regard, nominations had been received for Miss J Campbell and Mrs B McAllister. Upon a vote being taken, Miss Campbell received 19 votes and Mrs McAllister received 2 votes, the votes having been cast as follows:- 

Votes for Miss J Campbell
Mr R Balfour, Mr B Boyd, Mr I Brown, Mrs C Caddick, Miss J Campbell, Mrs H Carmichael, Mr A Christie, Mr G Cruickshank, Mrs M Davidson, Mr K Gowans, Mr A Graham, Mr A Jarvie, Mr R Laird, Mrs I MacKenzie, Mr D Macpherson, Mr R MacWilliam, Mrs T Robertson, Mr G Ross and Mr C Smith,

Votes for Mrs B McAllister
Mrs B McAllister, Mr J Gray

(xv) Inverness Festival Association (Provost and 4 other Members) – Mr D Macpherson, Mr B Boyd, Mrs I MacKenzie and Mr J Gray.

(xvi) Inverness Tourism BID (1 Member) – Provost.

(xvii) Inverness Town Twinning Committee (Provost and 4 other Members) – Mr G Ross, Mr R MacWilliam, Mrs B McAllister and Mr C Smith.

(xviii) Inverness Women’s Aid (1 Member) – Mrs I MacKenzie.         

(xix) Inverness, Badenoch and Strathspey Citizens’ Advice Bureau (1 Member) – Mr A Jarvie.

(xx) James Cameron Community Centre Service Review Group (3 Members) – Miss J Campbell, Mr G Ross and Mrs B McAllister. 

(xxi) Merkinch Enterprise (3 Members) – Miss J Campbell, Mr R Laird and Mrs B McAllister.

(xxii) Merkinch Partnership (2 Members) – Mr R Laird and Mrs B McAllister.

(xxiii) Ness District Salmon Fisheries Board (1 Member) – Miss J Campbell.

(xxiv) Spectrum Board of Management (3 Members) – Miss J Campbell, Mr R Laird and Mrs B McAllister.

(xxv) Victorian Market Stakeholder Group (Provost and 5 other Members) – Miss J Campbell, Mr G Ross, Mr R Laird, Mrs B McAllister and Mrs I MacKenzie.

11. Developing Economic Links with Augsburg, Bavaria
Baile-cèile – Cunntas às Ùr mu Cheangalan le Augsburg

Declaration of Interest – Mr K Gowans declared a non-financial interest as an employee of UHI but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that his interest did not preclude him from taking part in the discussion.

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/15/17 dated 23 May 2017 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure and Inverness City Area Manager.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • thanks should be conveyed to the Officers concerned in the compilation of this report which highlighted the progress which had been made in the development of economic links with Augsburg;
  • progress with these links was of vital importance to the Highland area and consideration should also be given to the development of a comprehensive engagement/communication strategy for the following 3-5 year period;
  • the involvement of all agencies across the Highlands should be pursued wherever possible and in this regard reference was made to the importance of the contributions from UHI, NHS Highland and the Chamber of Commerce to date;
  • there was a need to increase awareness all sectors as a priority;
  • the commercial and academic opportunities surrounding the digital delivery of health care also required to be highlighted;
  • there had been a very positive response to the opportunity to investigate collaboration across various areas of research where there was a common interest in developing solutions and this was welcomed;
  • there was a need to ensure that all groups across the Highlands were incorporate in future if they so wished, including education groups, the scout network, etc;
  • there was a need for particular emphasis to be placed on the Joint Declaration and Statement of Intent between the Scottish Government and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology which had been circulated with the report; and
  • it was essential that the hosting of delegations to the Highland area were continued in order to strengthen and progress current links.          

Thereafter, the Committee:-

i. NOTED the contents of the report;
ii. AGREED to support the continued development of economic links with Augsburg;
iii. APPROVED the commitment of a maximum of £10,000 from the Inverness Common Good Fund to support economic development related twinning opportunities - on the basis that this financial support would require to be matched by funding from partners as detailed in Section 5 of the report and subject to ensuring compliance with Council procurement processes and funds being drawn from the City Promotions Budget; and
iv. NOTED that a progress report on the objectives set out in the report would be submitted no later than June 2018.

12. A9/A96 Inshes to Smithton Road Project – Update Report
Moladh Ceangal an Ear Chòmhdhail na h-Alba

There had been circulated Report No CIA/16/17 dated 7 June 2017 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • it was recognised that this scheme was a significant element in the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal and whilst it was still at route options stage, it was imperative that future discussions presented a sustainable transport solution for the whole area;
  • Inshes Roundabout would be key to all future proposals and as such there had to be flexibility within budgets to ensure that the best possible decisions were taken;
  • there was concern in relation to Options 1 and 2 in that they could have significant impact on the Retail Park;
  • in the long term, a grade separated junction would be the best option for the area but it was recognised that this would not be financially viable at the present time;
  • the inclusion of the running lane on the southbound A9 as an early priority was welcomed;
  • it would be important to ensure that traffic problems were not just diverted to other adjacent areas as a result of any decisions taken; and
  • there was concern amongst the residents of the Drakies area in particular about potential access problems in relation to Raigmore Hospital and these concerns would require to be addressed at an early date; and
  • consideration should be given to the introduction of slip roads where possible as part of any design process.          

Thereafter, the Committee:-

(a) NOTED the implications of Transport Scotland’s “East Link” road route options as detailed in the report;
(b) AGREED that the Council should attend Transport Scotland’s Value for Money Workshop on a no prejudice basis but adopt the following initial stance and objectives:-
(i) an additional “running” lane on the southbound A9 as an early priority;
(ii) further discussions on how East Link’s detailed design specification could better contribute to Inverness East as a future place;
(iii) a Council preference for variant B and a request that its junction(s) at or close to Ashton Farm should include a stub link to aid future road development;
(iv) the avoidance of the woodland that lined Caulfield Road North should be a design parameter at the next detailed design stage;
(v) no Council objection to Route Options 1 and 2 provided that suitable mitigation (including a like for like replacement of Inshes overbridge if it was demolished) be provided for whichever route was progressed;
(vi) seek further information and reassurance on the traffic implications of Option 3 as detailed in section 6 of the report, noting that if the further work being undertaken by Transport Scotland mitigated the concerns identified in the report then consideration to adopting Option 3 should remain, in recognition of the reduced environmental impacts that this Option offered; and
(vii) a report to be brought to a future meeting of the Committee for a decision on the formal position of the Council.

13. Victorian Market – Action Plan 
Margadh Bhictòrianach – Plana Gnìomha

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/17/17 dated 29 May 2017 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure and the Inverness City Area Manager.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • •further information was required in relation to the level of marketing/branding budgets in the future;
  • •there was also a need for further detail on how liaison with other organisations was to be progressed;
  • •whilst recognising that this was only the start of a long process, it had to be highlighted that the Market traders also had a role to play in ensuring success;
  • •consideration should be given as to whether it might be beneficial for an alcohol licence to be in place for certain future events, perhaps during the Summer season;
  • •the extension of opening hours within the Market should be encouraged wherever possible;
  • •further information was sought and received in terms of the costs associated with the proposed post of Market Manager which were expected to be approximately £40k;
  • •lessons had to be learned from previous initiatives which had not been successful and in this regard it would be important to investigate any other possible funding options in addition to the Inverness Common Good Fund;
  • •the role of the Victorian Market Stakeholder Management Group would be important in terms of agreeing a future strategy;
  • •it was imperative that those issues outwith the control of the Council were made clear from the outset;
  • •consideration should be given to the identity and appearance of the Market at all entrances;
  • •the new Lettings Framework provided a template to broaden the tenancy base but this needed to be kept under review; and
  • •thanks should be conveyed to the Inverness City Area Manager and his team for the excellent work which had been undertaken to produce an Action Plan which had received wide support..                  

Thereafter, the Committee:-

i. HOMOLOGATED the allocation of £8.5k for the provision of a Marketing Campaign;
ii. HOMOLOGATED the allocation of £9.5k for the provision of extended opening hours for the Market for a trial period;
iii. APPROVED the Action Plan attached within Appendix 2 to the report;
iv. APPROVED the proposed Management Arrangements described in Appendix 3 to the report;
v. APPROVED the Lettings Framework detailed in Appendix 7 to the report;
vi. AGREED to the Inverness City Area Manager taking necessary steps to provide for the Council to engage a Market Manager as detailed within Appendix 5 to the report;
vii. APPROVED the establishment of a new Victorian Market Stakeholder Management Group as set out within the report;
viii. NOTED that further update reports would be taken to Committee as required with an annual report being presented to the City of Inverness Area Committee to include the setting of an Annual Budget for the Victorian Market for the forthcoming financial year;
ix. NOTED that Minutes of the new Victorian Market Stakeholder Group meetings would be presented to the City of Inverness Area Committee for approval; and
x. AGREED to the costs for the implementation of the report to be drawn from the Victorian Market Budget held within the Inverness Common Good Fund Budget for 2017/18.

14. Ness Islands Additional Bridge Work
Margadh Bhictòrianach – Plana Gnìomha

There had been circulated Report No CIA/18/17 dated 22 May 2017 by the Director of Community Services.

During discussion, it was suggested that consideration should be given as to whether there was any possibility of utilising community payback as a contribution to the works required.   

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the progress being made with the various improvement works.

The Committee also AGREED the additional funds in order to complete all the bridge works required.

15. Community Links Plus 2017
Obair a Bharrachd air Drochaidean Eileanan Nis 2017

Declaration of Interest – Mrs B McAllister declared a non-financial interest in this item on the grounds of a family connection but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that her interest did not preclude her from taking part in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No CIA/19/17 dated 2 June 2017 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure.

In this connection, it was noted that the Engagement Report (Appendix 3 to the report) could be accessed on the Council’s website following the link below:-

It was also noted that revised recommendations for this report had been tabled at the meeting.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • whilst generally welcoming the proposals in the report, it would be important to ensure that detailed consideration was given to any proposed design enhancements across the area and also that these enhancements were maintenance free wherever possible;
  • it would also be important to fully involve Community Councils and local communities from the outset;
  • there was a need to consider the access arrangements to the Fairfield Medical Practice from Abban Street as part of any future proposals for this particular area;
  • clarification was required as to whether discussion had taken place with Transport Scotland in relation to the A82/Friars Bridge area and specifically proposals for a potential cycle route in this location;
  • further information would be helpful in terms of the level of funding being provided by the Council and the potential match funding which could be available to take forward the proposals within the report;     
  • the proposals would enable cyclists to have more access across a range of locations and this was welcomed;
  • liaison had to be undertaken with local businesses as a matter of priority in order to ensure that any concerns were addressed at an early date if necessary;
  • further clarification on the possibility of expansion into other areas would be helpful in due course; 
  • it was noted that the opportunity had been taken to use the active travel infrastructure being built as part of the West Link Project as the major source of necessary match funding (50%) and that the estimate of the funding which could be achieved through a successful bid was in the region of £2.5m; 
  • it would be helpful if Members from the Central and Millburn Wards in particular could be fully briefed and consulted on the proposals at an early date; and
  • a Briefing for all Members of the Committee on Major Projects being undertaken at the present time should be arranged at an early date.           

Thereafter, the Committee:-

i. NOTED the previous support for the overall aim to double the level of cycling across Inverness by 2020;
ii. NOTED the content of the Engagement Report;
iii. NOTED that further technical design, after the funding decision, would be taken forward with a comprehensive partnership approach;  
iv. AGREED to delegate authority to the Director of Development and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Provost and Leader of Inverness and Area and the political Group Leaders, to discuss further and make the most of this one-off opportunity for the City, the consultation also to includ Members from the Central and Millburn Wards; and
v. AGREED that a Briefing for all Members should be arranged at an early date on Major City Projects being undertaken at the present time. 

16. Area Maintenance Programme for Roads and Bridges
Prògram Cumail Suas Sgìreil airson Rathaidean is Dhrochaidean

There had been circulated Report No CIA/20/17 dated 24 May 2017 by the Director of Community Services.

The Committee APPROVED the Maintenance Programmes for Roads and Bridges for the City of Inverness Area for 2017/18 as circulated. 

17. Inverness Common Good Fund
Maoin Math Coitcheann Inbhir Nis

(a) Financial Monitoring
Sgrùdadh Ionmhasail

There had been circulated Report No CIA/21/17 dated 7 June 2017 by the Inverness City Area Manager.

The Committee NOTED the financial monitoring report to April 2017 and APPROVED the request for further funding from Inverness Common Good Fund.

(b) Grants and Capital Projects
Pròiseactan Tabhartais agus Calpa

There had been circulated Report No CIA/22/17 dated 29 May 2017 by the Inverness City Area Manager.

In this connection, it was confirmed that the supporting documentation had been contained in Booklet A and could be accessed on the Council’s website following the link below:-

The Committee NOTED the current status of capital projects as detailed and APPROVED the application for funding from Visit Inverness Loch Ness Ltd (VILN) for £20,000.

(c) Town House Works Programme Phase 3, High Street, Inverness
Ceum 3 Leasachadh Taigh a’ Bhaile

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/23/17 dated 30 May 2017 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure and the Inverness City Area Manager.

During discussion, thanks were conveyed to the Principal Project Manager, Mr J Kelman, and his team for the outstanding work which had been undertaken on this project.

It was also suggested that consideration should be given (in conjunction with High Life Highland where appropriate) to increased use being made of the Town House for events and functions, etc in future and once the works had been completed.

Also, in relation to the ‘Three Virtues’ in Church Street, Inverness, it was suggested that consideration should be given to the cost of the provision of lighting and associated plaques in each case with a further report in this regard being submitted to the Committee in due course.          

*Thereafter, the Committee AGREED in principle, subject to Full Council agreement, as follows:-

i. that Phase 3 should include the remaining part of Building One and all remaining sections of the Town House;
ii. to proceed to tender for Phase 3 in 2017 with a total estimated project cost of £2,300,000 for the all remaining sections of the Town House; and
iii. to proceed with a further third party funding application to Historic Environment Scotland.

The Committee also NOTED that a further report would be submitted on tenders received with recommendation(s) as appropriate.

(d) Town House Works Programme External Lighting and Internal Lighting and Re-decoration
Soillseachadh A-muigh is A-staigh agus Ath-sgeadachadh Prògram Obrach Thaigh a’ Bhaile

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/24/17 dated 7 June 2017 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure and Inverness City Area Manager.

The Committee AGREED:-

i. to proceed with external lighting at a cost of £150k under the current works programme at the Town House; and
ii. to proceed with internal re-decoration, refurbishment of chandeliers and internal lighting to the main hall at a cost of £195k under the current works programme at the Town House .

(e) Scheme for Winter Payments 2017/18
Pàighidhean Geamhraidh

There had been circulated Report No CIA/25/17 dated 1 June 2017 by the Inverness City Area Manager.

During discussion, Members expressed satisfaction that the Scheme had been successfully developed over the last four years into an effective source of funding for those most in need within the City Area community and thanks were conveyed for the work of all Officers involved.   

Thereafter, the Committee AGREED the following recommendations for the 2016/17 Winter Payments Scheme:-

i. an increase in a single tier payment from £79 to £81 to be made to those applicants who satisfied the eligibility criteria for the 2017/18 Scheme – this being based on the 2% increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI);
ii. an increase in budget from £85,000 to £105,000 to take into account the proposed increase in payment to £81 and the increase in demand for the Scottish Welfare Fund Crisis Grants;
iii. that the criteria utilised for the 2016/17 Scheme as set out in Paragraphs 4.1 to 4.11 of the report to be used as the basis for the 2017/18 Scheme; and
iv. the Scheme to be made available to residents in the City of Inverness and the Landward areas of the seven City Wards.  

18. Street Naming – New Housing Development, Slackbuie
Ainmeachadh Sràide – Leasachadh Ùr, Slackbuie

The Committee HOMOLOGATED new street names which had been chosen by Ward 19, Inverness South Members, to reflect a continued crofting theme.  

In this regard, it was confirmed that Inverness South Community Council had supported the theme but had subsequently expressed a preference to using one of the three names put forward - ‘Aignish’ - as a stem name for the three required streets.  Although this was contrary to Council guidance, the approach had been accepted by Ward Members and the Gazetteer team due to the urgency of the naming request.

1. Aignish Drive
2. Aignish Gardens
3. Aignish Brae

19. Minutes 

The following Minutes had been circulated for noting or approval as appropriate:-

i. City of Inverness Area Committee held on 23 February 2017 - NOTED
ii. Inverness City Arts Working Group held on 20 December 2016 and 7 March 2017 - APPROVED; and
iii. Inverness Common Good Fund Grants Sub-Committee held on 27 March 2017 - APPROVED.

20. Exclusion of the Public
Às-dùnadh a’ Phobaill

The Committee RESOLVED that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public should be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following item on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

21. Investments – Leasing Update
Airgead an Seilbh – Cunntas às Ùr mu Ghabhail air Màl

There had been circulated to Members only Joint Report No CIA/26/17 dated 1 June 2017 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure and the Inverness City Area Manager.

The Committee AGREED the preferred option and to instruct Officers to arrange to the construction of a Starter Unit on a vacant site at Lotland Street at a capital cost of £0.175m.

The Committee also NOTED the rents detailed on the schedule attached as Appendix 2 to the report.

22. Inverness Common Good Account Sites and Premises Transaction Report
Aithisg Gnothachais Làraich agus Thogalaichean Chunntasan Maoin Math Choitcheann Inbhir Nis

There had been circulated to Members only Joint Report No CIA/27/17 dated 18 May 2017 by the Head of Development and Regeneration and Property Manager (Estates).

The Committee NOTED the Inverness Common Good transactions approved by the Head of Development and Regeneration, under delegated powers, during the period from 30 November 2016 and 18 May 2017, and the position regarding the tenant rent roll as of 19 May 2017.

The meeting ended at 3.00pm.